When Is Good News Bad and Vice Versa? The Fortune Rankings of America’s Most Admired Companies
The Power of the Pen Reconsidered: The Media, CEO Human Capital, and Corporate Governance
CEOs, Abandoned Acquisitions, and the Media
The Stock Price Performance of Spin-of Subsidiaries, Their Parents and the Spin-off ETF, 2001-2013
Prior Client Performance and the Choice of Investment Bank Advisors in Corporate Acquisitions
Sheltering Corporate Assets from Political Extraction
The Role of the Media in Corporate Governance: Do the Media Influence Managers
The Origins and Evolution of the Market for Mortgage Backed Securities
What's the Best Way to Trade Using the January Barometer?
Why Did Auction Rate Bond Auctions Fail During 2007-2008?
Auction Failures and the Market for Auction Rate Securities
Does Board Independence Matter in Companies with a Controlling Shareholder?
Capital Market Imperfections and the Sensitivity of Investment to Stock Prices
Equity Returns at the Turn-of-the-Month
Changes in Insider Ownership and Changes in the Market Value of the Firm
Dominant Shareholders, Corporate Boards and Corporate Value: A Cross-Country Analysis
Board Composition, Corporate Performance, and the Cadbury Committee Recommendation
Political Connections and Corporate Bailouts
Returns to Acquirers of Listed and Unlisted Targets
Outside Directors and Corporate Board Decisions
Predictability of Long-Term Spinoff Returns
S&P 500 Index Additions and Earnings Expectations
International Corporate Governance
Learning from a Keynote Speaker: Lessons from Merton Miller’s PACAP Addresses
The Cadbury Committee, Corporate Performance, and Top Management Turnover
Do Institutional Investors Exacerbate Managerial Myopia?
A Survey of U.S. Corporate Financing Innovations: 1970-1997
Does Insider Trading Really Move Stock Prices?
Earnings Signals in Fixed-Price and Dutch Auction Self-Tender Offers
MIPS, QUIPS and TOPrS: Old Wine in New Bottles
Mortgage Prepayment Float: Pricing and Risk Analysis
Equity Carve-outs and Managerial Discretion
To Live or Let Die? An Empirical Analysis of Piecemeal Voluntary Corporate Liquidations
Prepacks as a Mechanism for Resolving Financial Distress
Implementing an Option-Theoretic CMO Valuation Model with Recent Prepayment Data
Prepacks: An Empirical Analysis of Prepackaged Bankruptcies
Can Takeover Losses Explain Spin-off Gains?
Equity Ownership and the Two Faces of Debt
Rational Prepayments and the Valuation of Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
The Effect of Market Segmentation and Illiquidity on Asset Prices: Evidence From Exchange Listings
Valuation and Analysis of Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Seasonalities in NYSE Bid-Ask Spreads and Stock Returns in January
The Origin of LYONs: A Case Study in Financial Innovation
The Economics of Pre-packaged Bankruptcy
Prepayments and the Valuation of Adjustable Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities
Corporate Performance, Corporate Takeovers, and Management Turnover
Additional Evidence on Equity Ownership and Corporate Value
Realized Returns and the Default and Prepayment Experience of Financial Leasing Contracts
Further Evidence on the Bank Lending Process and the Capital-Market Response to Bank Loan Agreements
Requiem for a Market: An Analysis of the Rise and Fall of Financial Futures Contract
Valuing Mortgage Loan Servicing
The Determinants of Yields on Financial Leasing Contracts
The Puzzle in Post-Listing Common Stock Returns
Corporate Mergers and Security Returns
Stock Exchange Listings, Firm Value, and Security Market Efficiency: The Impact of NASDAQ
A Model for the Determination of 'Fair' Premiums on Lease Cancellation Insurance Policies
Corporate Capital Expenditure Decisions and the Market Value of the Firm
Corporate Combinations and Common Stock Returns: The Case of Joint Ventures
The Market Value of Differential Voting Rights in Closely Held Corporations
The Turn-of-the-Year in Canada
A Trading Strategy for New Listings on the NYSE
Valuation of Asset Leasing Contracts
Rate of Return Indexes for GNMA Securities
The Administrative Costs of Corporate Bankruptcy: A Note
An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of 'Antitakeover' Amendments on Common Stock Prices
Further Evidence on the Terms of Financial Leases
Valuation of GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities
A Comparison of Alternative Models for Pricing GNMA Mortgage-Backed Securities
Returns, Risks, and Pricing of Income Bonds, 1956-76 (Does Money Have an Odor?)
Evidence on the Impact of Exchange Offers on Security Prices: The Case of Income Bonds
Another Foray into the Backwaters of the Market
Sale-and-Leaseback Agreements and Enterprise Valuation
Financial Leverage Clienteles: Theory and Evidence
Tax Reform, Firm Valuation, and Capital Costs
Price Distortions Induced by the Revenue Structure of Federally-Sponsored Mortgage Loan Programs
Capital Structure Rearrangements and Me-First Rules in an Efficient Capital Market
Corporate Mergers and The Co-Insurance of Corporate Debt
Valuation of A Mortgage Company’s Servicing Portfolio