The Dauch Center promotes education, research, and industrial engagement with those interested in operations and manufacturing management within the Mitch Daniels School of Business. With a strong history of engaging with Indiana manufacturers and successful student projects, we have made positive impacts for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the state. The Dauch Center continues to pioneer new approaches for manufacturing, supply chain, digital transformation, and electric vehicle research within the state.
View upcoming events for the Dauch Center
One stop place for everything education and workforce development
Find retailers and manufacturers across the state of Indiana to fulfil your product and service needs.
Become a member of the center and work with our brilliant students on projects to make your company more efficient.
Quarterly meetings for people in industry and academia to meet and discuss topics in EV, workforce development, supply chain, and more.
View the highlights of our Strategies for Resilient and Efficient Manufacturing and Supply Chains Symposium that took place on February 21, 2025