Contact Information: |
Other Information |
Linda Sue Ficht Clinical Associate Professor of Management Law, Communication, and Ethics
lficht@purdue.edu (765) 494-5517 YONG 930
Clifford Fisher Clinical Professor of Management Business Law Area Head Law, Communication, and Ethics
cdfisher@purdue.edu (765) 496-2854 KCTR 219
Tina Gavia Lecturer in Management Law, Communication, and Ethics
mgavia@purdue.edu KRAN 501
Cecelia Harper Lecturer in Management Law, Communication, and Ethics
cneihous@purdue.edu KRAN 501
Yuchen Liu Lecturer in Management Law, Communication, and Ethics
liu4184@purdue.edu (765) 494-8497 KRAN 502
DeAnn Karle Malone Limited Term Lecturer Law, Communication, and Ethics
Douglas Pruim Clinical Assistant Professor of Management Law, Communication, and Ethics
dpruim@purdue.edu (765) 494-4523 RAWL 4066
Cara Putman Clinical Associate Professor Director Brock-Wilson Center for Women in Business Law, Communication, and Ethics
cputman@purdue.edu (765) 494-2593 KRAN 357
David Randich Lecturer Law, Communication, and Ethics
drandich@purdue.edu KCTR 216
Kasie M Roberson Clinical Assistant Professor Law, Communication, and Ethics
roberso7@purdue.edu (765) 496-5019 KRAN 525
Ana-Maria Laura Stef-Praun Visiting Assistant Professor in Management Law, Communication, and Ethics
Randy Williams Limited Term Lecturer Law, Communication, and Ethics
Aryca Woodson Lecturer Law, Communication, and Ethics
apwoodso@purdue.edu KRAN 403