In an increasingly global society, adding an international component to your education has become less of an option and more of a necessity. Through a firsthand experience of another culture, you can enrich your academic study and broaden your personal horizons.
The Daniels School of Business prepares global business leaders with analytical insight and cultural intelligence. Study abroad through the Nancy H. Handel Study Abroad Program is an integral part of that preparation, teaching adaptability, personal responsibility and strategic thinking skills.
Students who study abroad gain economic and geographical knowledge that can’t be captured in a textbook. You will learn local customs, taste new foods and explore new interests. In the process of meeting new people from different backgrounds and cultures you will find out more about yourself. Deepen your intellectual and personal maturity through a study abroad experience that will change the way you look at the world.
The Daniels School offers more than 100 approved study abroad programs all over the world. There is a program for every need: short-term programs, semester-long programs, and even year-long opportunities. Nearly 100% of the approved programs offer courses in English for study abroad students.
There is no better time to study abroad than NOW. Take your next giant leap.
In both her personal life and career as a finance executive, Nancy Handel (BSIM ’72) has traveled the globe. Thanks to her generosity, students at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business have the same opportunities to open a window to the world.
After more than 20 years of supporting undergraduate scholarships, Handel committed $3.2 million to establish the Nancy H. Handel Study Abroad Program, giving students a chance for similar transformative learning experiences.
Handel is a corporate executive with experience in some of the most fast-paced and challenging global high-tech markets. As chief financial officer (CFO) for Applied Materials from 2004 to 2007, she earned a spot among the highest-ranking women in the Fortune 500.
The creation of the Nancy H. Handel Study Abroad Program at the Daniels School came from her strong belief that people need to experience different ways of life.
“The goal of my financial support is to allow more young people to experience our global diversity firsthand,” Handel says. “Hearing other languages, seeing, tasting and smelling the unique beauty of another country, listening, learning and appreciating our cultural and historical differences — these are gifts of travel abroad that can transform our world views.”