The Economics Department at the Daniels School of Business has a long tradition of excellence in research and teaching. Economics faculty members are leaders in their respective fields. Our department offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. We host a vibrant seminar series spanning the many varied areas of economics — students hear from and interact with Purdue faculty, numerous guests, including nationally and internationally recognized scholars, and PhD students.
The faculty in Purdue's Economics Department are leaders in their respective fields. Many of them have been recognized all over the world for their ground-breaking research and affiliations with world-renowned economics journals. Faculty research appears in American Economic Journals (Applied Economics, Economic Policy, and Macroeconomics), the American Economic Review, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Labor Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, and many more.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
The inaccuracies of real estate appraisers, whether accidental or purposeful, harm financial institutions, those seeking to buy properties, and even taxpayers. A study coauthored by Purdue University Professor Mike Eriksen suggests that a national database of property transactions and reported attributes should be created.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Purdue’s Jerry and Rosie Semler Chair in Economics Mario Crucini analyzes early U.S. exceptionalism in auto manufacturing in a new paper published in the Journal of International Economics.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
James Bullard, the Dr. Samuel R. Allen Dean of Purdue University's Daniels School of Business, has developed an economic model that serves as a benchmark to see how adept U.S. policymakers are at selecting the best policies and provides suggestions for further improvement.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Understanding the relationship between childhood cognitive skills and adult outcomes has important implications for policymakers, educators, and even parents who strive to get their kids through school well-prepared to launch a successful career, professors Victoria Prowse and David Gill show.
Economics Department PhD students are leading members of the next generation of innovative researchers, scholars and teachers. We are proud to support the next phase of their academic and professional lives.
To obtain additional information on job market candidates, please reach out to the Economics Department contacts below, or contact the candidate directly.
Placement Officer
Tim Cason
(765) 494-1737
Daniels School of Business Economics Department
Krannert Building, Room 416
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076
(765) 496-1378
Department Head: Brian Roberson
Executive Assistant: Mary Schultz