The Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management area at the Mitch Daniels School of Business is composed of researchers on the cutting edge of workplace evolution. Our OBHR faculty are contributors and leaders in the study of organizational and individual performance, covering talent, human capital, AI and the future of work, technology and innovation and more.
Daniels School OBHR faculty are leading scholars in a multitude of cutting edge topics, including: issues at the work-nonwork and work-family interface, recovery and leisure, well-being, emotions and emotional labor, leadership, trust, diversity and gender, meaningfulness at work, networks of workplace relationships, recruitment and job search processes, identity and stigma, and motivation. OBHR faculty research appears in top academic journals including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Organization Science, among other top management outlets.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Management experts often encourage business leaders to motivate employees by empowering them, but a majority of American workers right now are not feeling very motivated on the job, a new survey by Tobias Dennerlein suggests.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Do nice people really finish last? And what exactly does it mean to be “nice” anyway? According to Purdue Assistant Professor Jordan Nielsen, people have long debated whether a desire to help others — prosocial motivation — is an asset in the workplace, or a liability.
Friday, July 12, 2024
Research touts the benefits of organizational rankings and certifications, particularly those recognizing “best employers,” “best places to work,” and the like. Yet, there are reasons to consider a more balanced view of employee-related ranking and certification effects, says Daniels School Professor Brian Dineen
Monday, October 23, 2023
Michael A. Campion, Purdue’s Herman C. Krannert Distinguished Professor of Management, says the resumes and achievement records of most job seekers are part of an overflowing pool of big data that creates a daunting amount of work for employers and their HR staff.
Call for Papers | Organization Science
Special Issue: Remote and Hybrid Work: Transforming People and Organizations in a New Era
This special issue fosters new theories and policies for modern work practice involving remote and hybrid work in organizations and their multifaceted impacts on workers' lives within and beyond a workplace and across diverse occupations. In this special issue, we are interested in scholarship from the many disciplines and fields examining remote and hybrid work. We especially encourage cross-disciplinary papers that provide multiple lenses on these topics. We welcome papers that integrate multiple levels of analysis, compare multiple stakeholders and/or disciplinary lenses, and examine the possible mixed consequences of remote and hybrid work. Submissions open March 15, 2025 and close July 15, 2025.
Daniels School of Business PhD students are leading members of the next generation of innovative researchers, scholars and teachers. We are proud to support the next phase of their academic and professional lives.
To obtain additional information on job market candidates, please reach out to our doctoral programs office at (765) 494-9024, or contact candidates directly.