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Business School Clubs and Organizations

Apply your knowledge and expertise, develop skills for your resume, and make good friends by participating in a Daniels School student club! Serving in a student organization will challenge you to lead outside of the classroom.

In addition to the Daniels School's nearly two dozen student clubs, Purdue University offers you more than 1,000 registered student organizations.

Alpha Kappa Psi

The oldest and largest professional business fraternity both in the nation and at Purdue, AKPsi focuses on developing career skills.


Ascend is the largest nonprofit Pan-Asian organization for business professionals in North America. Domestic and international students will benefit from opportunities to connect with peers as well as develop professionalism.

Association of Latino Professionals for America

ALPFA’s mission is to create opportunities and build relationships for its members, the community and its business partners while expanding Latino leadership in the global workforce.

BAIM Association

BAIM Association's mission is to support student professional development by facilitating networking, learning, and growth opportunities—all while ensuring you have fun.

Beta Alpha Psi

This group recognizes and promotes academic excellence in the accounting, finance, and information systems fields. If you are a financial information student, join to benefit from opportunities for self-development and association among members and practicing finance professionals.

Boilermaker Consulting

If you wish to take your first steps in consulting and want to grow your professional skill set while working on real client projects, the BCG is for you. This STEM-focused group produces well-rounded industry consultants.

Brock-Wilson Center for Women in Business Ambassadors

Brock-Wilson Center Ambassadors are Purdue students committed to empowering women and educating our campus about gender bias in the workplace.

Business Ambassadors

Connect with high school students and share your Purdue stories. Business Ambassadors are dedicated to helping prospective students find the experience they want at Purdue University and the Daniels School of Business.

Collegiate DECA

Collegiate DECA is the perfect way to use the skills you develop in the classroom as well as your experiences in Collegiate DECA to excel and become an emerging leader and discover your strengths.

Consult Your Community

This nonprofit organization provides pro bono consulting services to small businesses in college communities across America.

Daniels Operations Club

The Daniels Operations Club is an organization whose mission is to expose students to real-world opportunities.

Delta Sigma Pi

Develop professionally, give back to the community, and study business in universities by joining this fraternity.

Doster Leadership Conference Student Board

The DLC Student Board exists to develop student leaders in the School of Business who plan, recruit for, and execute the Doster Leadership Conference. The conference is a professional development opportunity open to business students.

Integrated Business and Engineering Student Council


Investment & Trading at Purude


Operations and Supply Chain Organization

Explore the many facets of operations management and other areas of the supply chain. Gain a better understanding of what it takes to work in supply chain, and network with key companies.

Project Management @ Purdue


Purdue Accounting Association

The purpose of the Purdue Accounting Association is to help students develop a better understanding of the accounting profession and to prepare them for the job search process.

Purdue Economics Association

Purdue Economics Association is dedicated to advancing opportunities for students at Purdue studying economics, as well as providing access to all students on the University campus for discussion and discourse on the field of economics.

Purdue Financial Management Association

We are a professional organization dedicated to enriching the academic interest and providing leadership opportunities to our members.

Purdue Marketing Association

Reach beyond classroom concepts and work directly with faculty, corporate recruiters, and Purdue’s Graduate Marketing Association. Market yourself to recruiters and industry professionals. Participate in marketing conferences, case competitions, marketing 360 events and more.

Real Estate Society

Do you want to grow your network? Do you want to know more about real estate and how to get a job in the industry? PRES is about connecting you with your fellow peers, alumni, and industry professionals to help you use and grow your knowledge of real estate.

School of Business Career Council

The mission of the School of Business Career Council is to establish, develop and maintain relationships with companies throughout the world in order to enhance the career and development opportunities available to Daniel's student body.

School of Business Council

The School of Business Council serves as an advisory group representing the students of the School of Business. The council promotes a close relationship between students, faculty, and administration.

Society for Human Resource Management

This is the student chapter of the nationally recognized, professional organization SHRM. Explore the many facets of HR, discuss current issues in HR, and apply and expand your HR education through practical situations.

Society of Minority Managers

Serve the broad educational needs of minority students in the Daniels School of Business by establishing lines of communication between minority business students, business professionals, and the employment market. Assist the school in the recruitment of minority students.

Society of Women in Integrated Business and Engineering


Student Managed Venture Fund

The club aims to provide a platform for students to learn about and be immersed in the field of venture capital.

Women in Business

Build a network with the goal of creating a world with more women leaders. Purdue University Women in Business empowers women with confidence to reach their potential, equips them with the skills necessary to be successful, and educates them on the barriers they may encounter in the workplace.

Women in Economics

Our mission is to build a community of women in economics at Purdue aimed to develop their interests in economics in a social, professional, and positive environment. Meetings and events will fulfill social, educational, and professional interests with the intention of fostering an empowering environment in an often male-dominated field.

Explore All Student Organizations