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The Marketing area at the Mitch Daniels School of Business is dedicated to continuously innovating in the rapidly-changing, ever-evolving marketing industry. Purdue marketing faculty are leaders in their field, engaging in research on today’s most crucial issues and teaching in undergraduate, master's, and PhD programs. The area hosts a robust speakers series, bringing to campus expert researchers for marketing seminars. 


Purdue’s Marketing area encourages students to go beyond the classroom. Master's students engage in marketing consulting projects as part of experiential learning at the business school. Undergraduate students can join the Purdue Marketing Association, which hosts workshops, alumni panels, site visits and more for students of all majors.

Undergraduate marketing students

Purdue Marketing Association

PMA is an undergraduate student organization that challenges students to grow their skills across all areas of marketing. The club provides members with the opportunity to network with peers and professionals, learn new marketing techniques, and work on real-world projects that help the community.



Marketing faculty are researching topics including discrete choice models, marketing pioneering, scalable algorithms, structural modeling and more. Their research has been published in journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science and Quantitative Marketing and Economics.

Job Market Candidates

Daniels School of Business PhD students are leading members of the next generation of innovative researchers, scholars and teachers. We are proud to support the next phase of their academic and professional lives.

View our Job Market Candidates

To obtain additional information on job market candidates, please reach out to the Marketing area contact below, or contact the candidate directly.

PhD Coordinator
Guofang Huang
(765) 494-9566

Daniels School of Business Marketing Area, Management Department
Krannert Building
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076

Department Head: Lin Nan

Marketing Area Coordinator: Ting Zhu