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Doctoral Program Links

Information for Krannert Economics PhD Students

Graduate Handbook (pre Fall 2018) Graduate Handbook (post Fall 2018) Travel Policy

Krannert Software Resources:

– KCC has a computing cluster called ARCC for your class and research use. Matlab, Stata, etc. can be found in folders here. The links in the “Research Apps” folder will allow you to access more computing power and keep your session open longer than those in the “Lab Apps” folder. These links will allow you to view a GUI window on your computer, while running your computations using the ARCC cluster instead of your local machine. When working on this cluster, you are linked to your Krannert U: drive storage. You will need to use this drive to access or save any of your work while on ARCC.

– ITaP has 12 computing clusters, each with different software and intended uses. Some of them are free to use but may require advisor approval.

  • LaTeX editors: TeXmaker and TeXstudio

– These editors are available on ARCC in the “Lab Apps” folder. This is a good option if you need to use LaTeX while not on your office computer, since you can easily access your U: drive storage.

– Purdue has a campus subscription to Overleaf, which gets you extra storage. They store your projects in the cloud, allowing you to access and work on them from any computer with a web browser. Overleaf also provides sample and template documents that you can edit, as well as interactive tutorials:

Methodological Resources:


Graduate School/Career Advice:

  • CSWEP: This publication is from an AEA subcommittee that focuses on helping women succeed in economics. They have a regular newsletter, sponsor professional development events sessions at several conferences, and run a summer fellowship program for advanced PhD students.

Job Market Resources/Advice: 

Recommended Books on Writing:

Websites that Maintain Lists of Links with Advice on Publishing, Refereeing, Writing, Empirical Work, etc.

Other Links: