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Daniels School Faculty

Bill Robinson

Bill Robinson

Professor Emeritus of Management


Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1984
M.S., Economics, University of Illinois, 1976
B.S., Economics, University of Illinois, 1974


Professor Robinson's teaching interests include marketing management and new product development. His current research focuses on the stock market's ability to accurately value advertising spending and on using advertising to manage earnings. His papers have been published in Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Reserach, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Industrial Economics, and Strategic Management Journal.

His research has over 6000 Google Scholar citations. Out of more than 5000 papers published in leading marketing journals, his research on market pioneers and market share is listed in the top 50 for its impact on the field.

Professor Robinson was a member of the Krannert faculty from 1983-86. In 1986-89 he was an assistant and associate professor at the University of Rochester. From 1989-96 he was associate professor at the University of Michigan. Professor Robinson returned to the Krannert School of Management in 1996.

Journal Articles

  • Oh, Yun Kyung, Ye Hu, Xin Wang, and William T. Robinson (2013). "How Do External Reference Prices Influence Online Gift Giving?" International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing vol. 5 359-371.
  • Sinapuelas, Ian and William T. Robinson (2012). "Do Me-Too Brands Price Lower than the Feature Pioneer?" Journal of Product and Brand Management vol. 21 (5), 350-358.
  • Sinapuelas, Ian and W. Robinson (2009). "Entry for Supermarket Feature Me-Too Brands: An Empirical Explanation of Incidence and Timing." Marketing Letters vol. 20 183-196.
  • Nikolaeva, Ralitza, Manohar U. Kalwani, William T. Robinson, and S. Sriram (2009). "Survival Determinants for Online Retailers." Review of Marketing Science vol. 7
  • Min, S., Kalwani, M., & Robinson, W. (2006). "Market Pioneer and Early Follower Survival Risks: A Contigency Analysis of Really New Versus Incrementally New Products." Journal of Marketing vol. 70 (1), 15-33.
  • Robinson, W., & Min, S. (2002). "Is the First to Market the First to Fail? Empirical Evidence for Industrial Goods Businesses." Journal of Marketing Research vol. 39 (1), 120-128.
  • Robinson, W., & Chiang, J. (2002). "Product Development Strategies for Established Market Pioneers, Early Followers, and Late Entrants." Strategic Management Journal vol. 23 (9), 855-866.
  • Robinson, W., & Chiang, J. (1996). "Are Sutton's Predictions Robust?: Empirical Insights into Advertising, R&D and Concentration." Journal of Industrial Economics vol. 44 (4), 389-408.
  • Robinson, W., Kalyanaram, G., & Urban, G. (1995). "Order of Market Entry: Established Empirical Generalizations, Emerging Generalizations and Future Research." Marketing Science vol. 14 (3), 212-221.
  • Robinson, W., Kalyanaram, G., & Urban, G. (1994). "First-Mover Advantages from Pioneering New Markets: A Survey of Empirical Evidence." Review of Industrial Organization vol. 9 (1), 23-Jan.
  • Robinson, W., & Huff, L. (1994). "The Impact of Leadtime and Years of Competitive Rivalry on Pioneer Market Share Advantages." Management Science vol. 40 (10), 1370-1377.
  • Robinson, W., Ramaswamy, V., DeSarbo, W., & Reibstein, D. (1993). "An Empirical Pooling Approach for Estimating Marketing Mix Elasticities with PIMS Data." Marketing Science vol. 12 (1), 103-124.
  • Robinson, W., Fornell, C., & Sullivan, M. (1992). "Are Market Pioneers Intrinsically Stronger than Later Entrants?" Strategic Management Journal vol. 13 (8), 609-624.
  • Robinson, W. (1990). "Product Innovation and Start-Up Business Market Share Performance." Management Science vol. 36 (10), 1279-1289.

Book Chapters

  • Kalwani, M. and W. Robinson (2009). "Pioneering in B-to-B Markets." Empirical Generalizations About Marketing Impact, Marketing Science Institute, Reprinted in 2015 edition 28.
  • Kalwani, M. and W. Robinson (2009). "Pioneer Survival Rates." Empirical Generalizations About Marketing Impact, Marketing Science Institute, Reprinted in 2015 edition 27.
  • Robinson, W., & Parry, M. (2004). "Order of Market Entry: Empirical Results from the PIMS Data and Future Research Topics." Batten Foundation and Marketing Science Institute New York, NY. 73-91.
  • Robinson, W., Fornell, C., & Sullivan, M. (1994). "Skill and Resource Profiles for Market Pioneers, Early Followers and Late Entrants." Faulkner and Gray, Inc


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Area(s) of Expertise

Marketing, New Product Development