Track 1: Women in STEM
Role of sourcing practices in improving gender equality in the IT industry by Nikita Atal, Gemma Berenguer, & Sameer Borwankar
Workplace incivility against women in STEM: Insights and best practices by Mahima Saxena
Preparing leaders for industry: The role of doctoral education and early career management training in the leadership trajectories of female STEM PhDs by Joyce B. Main & Yanbing Wang
Track 2: Pregnancy, Maternity, and Parenting Support
Post-maternity leave work re-entry: A couples perspective by Laura M. Little & Courtney Masterson
Managing the negative effects of parenting in the academy: Gender, institutional policies, and collegial support By Amy C. Moors, Abigail J. Stewart, & Janet E. Malley
Track 3: Work-Family/Life and Supportive Workplaces
Family-supportive supervisory behaviors: Does gender matter? by Sue Epstein
Work-life flexibility bundles and cultures: A typology and identification of implementation factors by Ellen Ernst Kossek, Kaumudi Misra, & Patricia E. Gettings
Track 4: Gender, Pay, and Performance
The effects of employee involvement on disparities in equity compensation by Vernon Woodley
Incentivizing equity through executive compensation by William Obenauer
Performance appraisals and rewards: A system justification perspective on the limited advancement of women in Organizations by Monique E. Okumakpeyi
Track 5: Gendered HR Practices
Track 6: Women in Top Leadership
Beyond the C-suite: Women’s access, entry, and engagement in community elites by Danna Greenberg & Wendy Murphy
Track 7: Women in Boardrooms and General Business Issues
How much do we really know about women and entrepreneurship? A meta-analysis and research Call by David Ross & Donghyun Shin
Track 8: Gender, Identity, and Intersectionality
Identity partners: Facilitating women’s development of improbable work identities by Elise B. Jones
Generating power currency: Afro-diasporic women navigating the black ceiling by Samantha E. Erskine, Estelle Archibold, & Diana Bilimoria
Track 9: Implicit Bias and Gender Discrimination
Can self-affirmation reduce backlash? by Chiara Trombini, Hannah R. Bowles, & Celia Moore
Sexual Harassment of Hospitality Student Interns by Joseph La Lopa
Early career priorities and adult employment outcomes: New evidence from the Youth Development Study by Julie Wellmann