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Timothy Bond

Timothy Bond

Associate Professor of Economics


Ph.D., Economics, Boston University


Dr. Timothy N. Bond is an Associate Professor of Economics in the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University. He is also a Purdue University Research Center in Economics (PURCE) faculty affiliate, and a research associate with the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). His research interests include labor economics, organizational economics, and the economics of education. He has published in numerous top research journals including the Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, and Review of Economics and Statistics. His recent work has focused on issues ranging from the impact of Japanese trade on racial disparities in the 1970s and 80s to food scarcity induced by SNAP disbursements influence on SAT performance.

Journal Articles

  • Batistich, M.K., & Bond, T.N. (2023). "Stalled racial progress and Japanese trade in the 1970s and 1980s." Review of Economic Studies vol. 90 (6), 2792-2821. | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N, Giuntella, O., & Lonsky, J. (2023). "Immigration and Work Schedules: Theory and Evidence." European Economic Review vol. 152
  • Bond, T.N., Carr, J.B., Packham, A., & Smith, J. (2022). "Hungry for success? SNAP timing, high-stakes exam performance, and college attendance." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy vol. 14 (4), 51-79. | Related Website |
  • Wan, S., Bond, T.N., Lang, K., Clements, D.H., Sarama, J., & Bailey, D.H. (2021). "Is intervention fadeout a scaling artefact?" Economics of Education Review vol. 82 102090. | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N., & Lang, K. (2019). "The sad truth about happiness scales." Journal of Political Economy vol. 127 (4), 1629-1640. | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N., & Bulman, G., & Li, X., & Smith, J. (2018). "Updating human capital decisions: Evidence from college applications." Journal of Labor Economics vol. 36 (3), 807-839. | Related Website |
  • Li, M., Wu, W., Zhao, J., Perkis, D., Bond, T.N., Mumford, K., Hummels, D., & Chen, Y.V. (2018). "CareerVis: Hierarchical visualization of career pathway data." IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications vol. 38 (6), 96-105. | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N., & Lehmann, J-Y.K. (2018). "Prejudice and racial matches in employment." Labour Economics vol. 51 271-93. | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N., & Lang, K. (2018). "The Black-White education-scaled test-score gap in grades K-7." Journal of Human Resources vol. 53 (4), 891-917. | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N., & Salisbury, L. (2018). "Local information, income dispersion, and geograpahic mobility." B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy vol. 18 (3), | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N. (2017). "Internal labor markets in equilibrium." Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization vol. 33 (1), 28-67. | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N., & Lang, K. (2013). "The evolution of the Black-White test score gap in grades K-3: The fragility of results." Review of Economics and Statistics vol. 95 (5), 1468-1479. | Related Website |

Working Papers

  • Bond, T.N., & Mumford, K.J. "Teacher performance pay in the United States: Incidence and adult outcomes." | Related Website |
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Phone: (765) 496-3664
Office: KRAN 337

Area(s) of Expertise

International Trade, Labor, Organizational Economics