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Kevin Mumford

Kevin Mumford

Professor of Economics
Kozuch Director, Purdue University Research Center in Economics (PURCE)


Ph.D. Economics, Stanford University
M.A. Economics, Stanford University
B.A. Economics, Brigham Young University


Kevin Mumford is a Professor in the Department of Economics and is the Kozuch Director of the Purdue University Research Center in Economics (PURCE). He is also currently serving as Co-Chair of the Daniels School of Business Transition Steering Committee (website). Professor Mumford’s research focuses on the evaluation of public policy in the areas of education, taxation, labor market regulation, and personal finance as well as the role of human capital in measuring national wealth. He has published research articles in many of the top economics journals including the American Economic Review, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, and the Journal of Econometrics and he has received research grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Institute for Research on Poverty, the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, the Searle Freedom Trust, and the Kinley Trust. At Purdue, Professor Mumford teaches courses in applied econometrics at the undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. levels. He was previously the Director of Undergraduate Programs in Economics (2015-2018), Faculty Advisor for the Economics Honors Society (2007-2018), and Faculty Advisor for the Purdue Econ Club (2007-2014).

Professor Mumford's website:

Journal Articles

  • Denning, Jeffrey T., Eric Eide, Kevin J. Mumford, and Daniel Sabey (2022). "Decreasing Time to Baccalaureate Degree in the United States." Economics of Education Review vol. 90 102287. | Related Website | Download |
  • Ashkanani, Ahmad, Benjamin B. Dunford, and Kevin J. Mumford (2022). "Impact of Motivation and Workload on Service Time: An Empirical Analysis of Call Center Operations." Management Science vol. 68 (9), 6697-6715. | Related Website |
  • Denning, Jeffrey T., Eric R. Eide, Kevin J. Mumford, Richard W. Patterson, and Merrill Warnick (2022). "Why Have College Completion Rates Increased? An Analysis of Rising Grades." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics vol. 14 (3), 1-29. | Related Website | Download |
  • Dunford, Benjamin B., Kevin J. Mumford, R. Wayne Boss, Alan D. Boss, and David S. Boss (2019). "Integrated Conflict Management Systems Pay Off with Lower Levels of Formal Grievances and Lower Turnover Rates." ILR Review vol. 73 (2), 528-551. | Related Website | Download |
  • Li, Mingran, Wenjie Wu, Junhan Zhao, Keyuan Zhou, David Perkis, Timothy N. Bond, Kevin Mumford, David Hummels, and Yingjie Victor Chen (2018). "Career Vis: Hierarchical Visualization of Career Pathway Data." IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications vol. 38 (6), 96-105. | Related Website |
  • Lopresti, John W. & Kevin J. Mumford (2016). "Who Benefits from a Minimum Wage Increase?" ILR Review vol. 69 (5), 1171-1190. | Related Website | Download |
  • Barry, Brock E., Russell A. Long, Kevin J. Mumford, and Matthew W. Ohland (2016). "Influence of Job Market Conditions on Engineering Cooperative Education Participation." Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice vol. 142:3 | Related Website | Download |
  • Mumford, Kevin J. (2016). "Prosperity, Sustainability and the Measurement of Wealth." Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies vol. 3 (2), 226-234. | Related Website | Download |
  • Main, Joyce B., Kevin J. Mumford, and Matthew W. Ohland (2015). "Examining the Influence of Engineering Students' Course Grades on Major Choice and Major Switching Behavior." International Journal of Engineering Education vol. 31 (6A), 1468-1475. | Related Website | Download |
  • Miller, Benjamin M. and Kevin J. Mumford (2015). "The Salience of Complex Tax Changes: Evidence from the Child and Dependent Care Credit Expansion." National Tax Journal vol. 68 (3), 477-510. | Related Website | Download |
  • Lovenheim, Michael F. and Kevin J. Mumford (2013). "Do Family Wealth Shocks Affect Fertility Choices: Evidence from the Housing Market Boom and Bust." Review of Economics and Statistics vol. 95 (2), 464-475. | Related Website | Download |
  • Arrow, Kenneth J., Partha Dasgupta, Lawrence H. Goulder, Kevin J. Mumford, and Kirsten Oleson (2013). "Sustainability and the Measurement of Wealth: Further Reflections." Environment and Development Economics vol. 18 (4), 504-516. | Related Website | Download |
  • Li, Mingliang, Kevin J. Mumford, and Justin L. Tobias (2012). "A Bayesian Analysis of Payday Loans and Their Regulation." Journal of Econometrics vol. 171 (2), 205-216. | Related Website | Download |
  • Emerson, Tisha L. N., KimMarie McGoldrick, and Kevin J. Mumford (2012). "Women and the Choice to Study Economics." Journal of Economic Education vol. 43 (4), 349-362. | Related Website | Download |
  • Arrow, Kenneth J., Partha Dasgupta, Lawrence H. Goulder, Kevin J. Mumford, Kirsten Oleson (2012). "Sustainability and the Measurement of Wealth." Environment and Development Economics vol. 17 (3), 317-353. | Related Website | Download |
  • Crump, Richard., Gopi Shah Goda, and Kevin J. Mumford (2011). "Fertility and the personal Exemption: Comment." American Economic Review vol. 101:4 1616-1628. | Related Website | Download |
  • Mumford, Kevin, J. and Matthew W. Ohland (2011). "Student Performance in Undergraduate Economics Courses." Journal of Economic Education vol. 42 (3), 275-282. | Related Website | Download |

Conference Proceedings

  • Mumford, Kevin J. (2010). "The Efficiency Cost of Child Tax Benefits." National Tax Association Proceedings of the 101st Annual Conference. vol. 201-207 | Related Website | Download |

Book Chapters

  • Mumford, Kevin J. (2012). "Measuring Inclusive Wealth at the State Level in the United States." Inclusive Wealth Report 2012 Cambridge: Cambridge University. | Related Website | Download |
  • Arrow, Kenneth J., Partha Dasgupta, Lawrence H. Goulder, Kevin J. Mumford, and Kirsten Oleson (2010). "China, the U.S., and Sustainability: Perspectives Based on Comprehensive Wealth." Is Economic Growth Sustainable? International Economic Association. | Related Website | Download |

Other Publications

  • Denning, Jeffrey , Eric Eide, Kevin Mumford, Richard Patterson, and Merrill Warnick (2022). "Lower Bars, Higher College GPAs: How grade inflation is boosting college graduation rates." Education Next vol. 22 (1), 56-62. | Related Website |

Working Papers

  • Mumford, Kevin J., Rich Patterson, and Anthony Yim (2023). "College Course Shutouts."
  • Batistich, Mary Kate, Timmothy N. Bond, Sebastian Linde, and Kevin J. Mumford (2023). "Statistical Discrimination and Optimal Mismatch in College Major Selection."
  • Mumford, Kevin J. (2023). "Student Selection into an Income Share Agreement." | Download |
  • Bond, Timothy N. & Kevin J. Mumford (2018). "Teacher Performance Pay in the United States: Incidence and Adult Outcomes." | Related Website | Download |
  • Mumford, Kevin J. & Katie Schultz (2015). "The Effect of Underwater Mortgages on Unemployment." | Download |
  • Manchester, Colleen Flaherty & Kevin J. Mumford (2013). "How Costly is Welfare Stigma? Separating Psychological Costs from Time Costs." | Download |

Phone: (765) 496-6773
Office: KRAN 311

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Area(s) of Expertise

Data Analytics, Econometrics, Economics, Economics Education, Labor, Public Economics, Public Finance, Public Policy, Quantitative Analysis, Sustainability, Taxation