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Transition Steering Committee

The Purdue University Board of Trustees established a Transition Steering Committee to lead the reimagination of the Purdue School of Business.

School faculty provided input on the membership, which consists of the following members:

Transition Steering Committee

The Purdue University Board of Trustees established a Transition Steering Committee to lead the reimagination of the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business.

School faculty provided input on the membership, which consists of the following members:

The Transition Steering Committee has three initial assignments:

  1. Lead the search for a new leader for the Daniels School of Business.
  2. Recommend to the trustees a design for the departmental structure of the new school as well as its faculty leadership.
  3. Ensure the implementation of the differentiating design features of the new school.

Purdue is targeting Fall 2023 for the first phase of enhancements. These include student enrollment growth and the addition of targeted faculty, as well as curricular and experiential learning enhancements. More details are forthcoming.

Dean David Hummels will continue to lead the school until July 1, 2023.