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Pangpang Liu

Pangpang Liu

Quantitative Methods


Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods, Purdue University, 2021 - present
M.S. in Statistics, Georgia State University, 2021
M.S. in Quantitative Economics, Fudan University, 2018
B.A. in Economics and Law, China University of Political Science and Law, 2013

Pangpang Liu is a Ph.D. candidate in Quantitative Methods at the Daniels School of Business, with a concurrent M.S. in Industrial Engineering at the School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, advised by Professor Will Wei Sun. Before he joined Purdue, he earned his M.S. in Statistics from Georgia State University, under the supervision of Professor Yichuan Zhao. His research interests focus on dynamic pricing, trustworthy AI, large language models, and empirical likelihood.

Journal Articles

  • Pangpang Liu, Zhuoran Yang, Zhaoran Wang, Will Wei Sun (2024). Contextual Dynamic Pricing with Strategic Buyers. Journal of the American Statistical Association, | Related Website |
  • Pangpang Liu, Yichuan Zhao (2024). Smoothed empirical likelihood for the difference of two quantiles with the paired sample. Statistical Papers, | Related Website |
  • Brian Pidgeon, Pangpang Liu, Yichuan Zhao (2024). Jackknife empirical likelihood for the correlation coefficient with multiplicative distortion measurement errors. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, | Related Website |
  • Pangpang Liu, Yichuan Zhao (2023). A review of recent advances in empirical likelihood. WIREs Computational Statistics, | Related Website |
  • Pangpang Liu (2017). An empirical analysis on the influence of option market on the volatility of spot market: Based on the comparison of before and after 50ETF option listing. Statistics & Information Forum, | Related Website |

Conference Proceedings

  • Pangpang Liu, Yichuan Zhao (2024). Empirical Likelihood for Fair Classification. The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), | Related Website |
  • Pangpang Liu, Fusheng Wang, George Teodoro, Jun Kong (2021). Histopathology image registration by integrated texture and spatial proximity based landmark selection and modification. IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), | Related Website |

Working Papers

  • Pangpang Liu, Will Wei Sun (2024). Fairness-aware contextual dynamic pricing with strategic buyers.

Doctoral Research Excellence Award, Purdue University, 2023

Fred Massey Scholarship, Georgia State University, 2021

Ross Fellowship, Purdue University, 2021

Special Employee Performance Recognition Award, Purdue University, 2024

Referee for Journals

Mathematical Methods of Statistics, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining

  • MGMT 30500 (Business Statistics, Instructor, Fall 2023)
  • MGMT 30500 (Business Statistics, TA, Fall 2021, Spring 2022)
  • MGMT 57100 (Data Mining, TA, Fall 2022)

Phone: (765) 494-4524
Office: KRAN 486

Quick links

Google Scholar

Area(s) of Expertise

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Optimization, Quantitative Analysis