Finance professor Huseyin Gulen to receive 2016 Jack Treynor Prize
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Krannert finance professor Huseyin Gulen has been named by the Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance (Q-Group) as one of three recipients of the 2016 Jack Treynor Prize, which honors superior academic working papers with potential applications in the fields of investment management and financial markets. Gulen was recognized for his paper "Extrapolation bias and the predictability of stock returns by price-scaled variables," which he co-authored with Krannert PhD student Stefano Cassella.
The Q Group received 78 submissions in response to its call for papers to be reviewed for this prize. The majority of these papers were of very high quality. They represent significant contributions to the field of finance. The Q Group Research Committee evaluates papers for the Jack Treynor Prize annually in a single batch, following a midsummer submission deadline.
About Jack Treynor
Jack Treynor is one of the founders of modern quantitative investment management. His pioneering work on how discount rates should depend on risk anticipated and contributed to the development of the Capital Asset Pricing Model. Jack subsequently made numerous other contributions in the areas of performance evaluation, risk management, and trading analytics. As the long-time editor of the Financial Analysts Journal, Jack substantially raised the quality of discourse among financial analysts. Many of his articles, including some written under the pseudonym Walter Bagehot, have become classics of investment management. Until his death in 2015, Jack was a Q-Group Research Fellow and a long-time member of Q Group, where his contributions to the program and to the discussions at our meetings were invaluable.
About the Q-Group
The Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance, the “Q-Group” advances the practice of global investment management by connecting investment professionals with rigorous research and ideas at the frontier of the industry. We are a membership organization with over 140 sponsor organizations that represent many of the most important investment sponsors, managers, and consultants in North America and beyond. Our membership includes banks, insurance companies, securities firms, investment consultants, investment advisors, mutual fund managers, state and private pension fund managers, foundations and university endowment funds.
Q-Group’s semi-annual conferences are renowned for bringing scholars, investment practitioners, and other interested professionals together to discuss and debate current issues and new ideas at the frontier of investment management. Since our founding in 1966, our programs have explored relevant topics without bias toward any perspective other than the promotion of better investment management practices for the billions of people who depend on responsible financial management for their future security.