Miguel is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Purdue University. He received his Ph.D. in 2015 from the University of Maryland - College Park.
Miguel's research fields are applied microeconomics and labor economics. Miguel's research focuses on the impact various contexts have on the accumulation of skills in infants, children, and adolescents, and how these skills can affect their outcomes later in life. Miguel examines factors such as prenatal health, grade retention, in-classroom social interactions, teacher quality, gender norms, and discrimination. He investigates how children learn, how resource scarcity and peer interactions can affect learning, and how learning differentials affect success in adulthood. His work emphasizes socio-emotional skills (also known as noncognitive, or soft skills) as essential components of the learning process and critical drivers of social interactions and adult outcomes.
Fields of Interest
Primary: Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics
Secondary: Development Economics
Contact Information
Purdue University
Rawls Hall
100 S. Grant Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076
Office: KRAN335