Meredith Woehler
Assistant Professor of Management
2010 - B.S.B.A. Business Administration (Concentrations: Management, Marketing), University of Evansville
2010 - B.S. Health Services Administration, University of Evansville
2017 - Ph.D. Management, University of Kentucky
Professor Woehler conducts research and teaches in the areas of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management. Her research investigates individual differences & change within the workplace. She often studies how individual differences impact employees’ ability to (i) handle mergers and acquisitions – a macro-organizational change – or (ii) drive micro-level changes – such as changes to their networks of relationships or changes to their careers through voluntary turnover. She is especially interested in gender (an individual difference) in the workplace and most of her current research seeks to understand which networks of workplace relationships men and women need to be successful in their jobs and careers, as well as how they can go about gaining those relationships. Professor Woehler's research has appeared in premier journals such as Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Management. She teaches OBHR Research Methods for Purdue doctoral students and Organizational Behavior for Purdue undergraduates.