Collective bargaining, negotiations, and dispute resolution are Professor Dworkin's main teaching interests. His current research interests include unionism in professional sports, codetermination, worker participation in management, why workers join unions, and how arbitrators decide cases. He has also studied union certification and decertification elections, final-offer arbitration, strategies and tactics in negotiations, and the use of polygraph tests in employment.
Professor Dworkin is the author of two books, Owners Versus Players: Baseball and Collective Bargaining (Boston: Auburn House Publishing Company, 1981), and Reflections on the Transformation in Industrial Relations (Scarecrow Press, 1989) and several articles, including: "Managerial Third Party Dispute Resolution: An Overview and Introduction to the Special Issue," Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-8 (1994); "Midwest Energy Utilities" (with G.L. Jordan) in Mediating Environmental Conflicts: Theory and Practice edited by J.W. Blackburn and W.M. Bruce, Quorum Books, Westport, CT (1995); "Craft Unions" and "Industrial Unions" in The Blackwell Dictionary of Human Resource Management edited by C.R. Greer and S.A. Youngblood, Blackwell Publishers (1996); "Labor Relations in Japan: The Case of Baseball," in Baseball Economics: Current Issues, edited by L. Hadley, E. Gustafson and J. Fizel, Praeger Publishing Inc. (with G. Jefl) (1996); "The Joint Employer, the NLRB, and Changing Rights for Contingent Workers," Labor Law Journal, 48:1 (with R. Posthuma) (1997); "Social Consequences of Crossing the Picket Line: The 1994-95 Major League Baseball Strike," Nine: A Journal of Baseball History and Social Policy Perspectives, 5:2 (with G. Jelf) 1997.
He has been a consultant to the assistant secretary for policy, evaluation, and research at the U.S. Department of Labor; Employer and Employee Education Services, University of Minnesota; and various publishing companies. Professor Dworkin is a member of the Industrial Relations Research Association, Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, and the American Arbitration Association. He serves as an arbitrator, mediator, and fact-finder in a variety of labor-management disputes in the private and public sectors. Professor Dworkin has been with Krannert since 1976.