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Daniels School Faculty

Guofang Huang

Guofang Huang

Associate Professor of Management


Ph.D. in Economics, Johns Hopkins University, 2011.


I joined the Daniels School of Business at Purdue University in 2018. The topics of my research are mainly in the following areas: 1) algorithmic and dynamic pricing; 2) empirical models of consumer decisions and demand; and 3) market design of digital platforms. Other topics I have worked on include pharmaceutical detailing, firms’  information disclosure/sharing policies, and structural estimation of production functions. My research has been published in several top field journals, including Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. Before joining Purdue University, I was an assistant professor of marketing at the Carnegie Mellon University. I obtained my PhD in Economics from Johns Hopkins University. 


Journal Articles

  • Yingyao Hu, Guofang Huang, Yuya Sasaki (2022). "robustpf: Software for Robust Estimation of Production Functions." the Stata Journal
  • Guofang Huang (2022). "Selling-Mechanism Design for Peer-to-peer Lending and Related Markets: Multiunit Uniform-price Open Auctions vs. Fixed Price." Journal of Marketing Research
  • Guofang Huang, Haiyan Liu (2021). "Estimating Expectations-Based Reference-Price Effects in the Used-Car Retail Market." Quantitative Marketing and Economics
  • Guofang Huang, K. Sudhir (2021). "The Causal Effect of Service Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty." Management Science | Download |
  • Yingyao Hu, Guofang Huang, Yuya Sasaki (2020). "Estimating Production Functions with Robustness Against Errors in the Proxy Variables," the Journal of Econometrics
  • Guofang Huang (2020). "When to Haggle, When to Hold Firm? Lessons from the Used Car Retail Market." Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
  • Guofang Huang, Hong Luo, Jing Xia (2019). "Invest in Information or Wing It? A Model of Dynamic Pricing with Seller Learning." Management Science
  • Guofang Huang, Mathew Shum, Wei Tan (2019). "Is Pharmaceutical Detailing Informative? Evidence from Contraindicated Drug Prescriptions." Quantitative Marketing and Economics
  • Guofang Huang, Ahmed Khwaja, K. Sudhir (2015). "Short-Run Needs and Long-Term Goals: A Dynamic Model of Thirst Management." Marketing Science
  • Used Car Dealership

    Selling Points: Reference-Price Effects in the Used-Car Market

    More than 38 million used vehicles were sold in the U.S. in 2022, with most of those buying decisions ultimately based on price. Guofang Huang asks: What happens when the asking price deviates from the price consumers expect from their online research?

    Full story: Selling Points: Reference-Price Effects in the Used-Car Market

  • Customer Service Representative

    A Better Way to Measure the Impact of Customer Service Satisfaction on Loyalty

    You just got off the phone with a customer service representative at a credit card company. The rep was friendly and helpful, making you feel good about your relationship with the company. A minute later, your phone rings. It's an automated recording asking if you'd like to participate in a survey about your customer service experience. Such surveys are an increasingly common way for companies to measure customer service satisfaction. They want to find out if your customer service experience will help them retain you as a customer.

    Full story: A Better Way to Measure the Impact of Customer Service Satisfaction on Loyalty

American Marketing Association 2021 SERVSIG Best Service Article Award

Krannert Young Faculty Scholar Award

Phone: (765) 494-9566
Office: KRAN 421

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Area(s) of Expertise

E-Commerce, Industrial Organization, Marketing, Pricing