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Yuan Yuan

Yuan Yuan

Assistant Professor
Management Information Systems


Ph.D., Social & Engineering Systems & Statistics, MIT, 2021
B.Eng., Computer Science, Tsinghua University, 2016
B.A., Economics, Tsinghua University, 2016


Yuan Yuan is a computational social scientist and an Assistant Professor of Management at the Daniels School of Business (MIS area) at Purdue University. Yuan also holds a visiting researcher position at Microsoft.His research focuses on (1) leveraging big data and advanced computational techniques (e.g., machine learning and causal inference) to study online social interactions and social networks; and (2) developing computational techniques that combine machine learning and causal inference, with applications to online field experiments (A/B testing). Yuan's paper has been published at top general science journals such as Nature Communications and PNAS, top Management journals such as Management Science, top computer science conferences such as EC and WWW. Before coming to Purdue, he did my Ph.D. in the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and received his Bachelor's degrees in Computer Science and Economics from Tsinghua University.

Working Papers

  • Yuan Yuan, Eaman Jahani, Shengjia Zhao, Yong-Yeol Ahn, and Alex Pentland "Mobility network reveals the impact of spatial vaccination heterogeneity on COVID-19." | Related Website |
  • Yuan Yuan, Christos Nicolaides, Alex Pentland, and Dean Eckles "Promoting physical activity through prosocial incentives on mobile platforms." | Related Website |
  • Hybrid Work

    Home or Office? New Research Examines Attendance in Hybrid Work Environments

    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, much of the workforce has transitioned to hybrid work arrangements, working from home on some days and in the office on others. While hybrid work seeks to combine the benefits of in-office and remote work, it also presents challenges, says Yuan Yuan, an assistant professor at Purdue’s Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business.

    Full story: Home or Office? New Research Examines Attendance in Hybrid Work Environments

  • social network ties

    Lasting Ties: Examining the Stability of Social Bridges

    Your long ties, or “social bridges,” are essential for diffusing novel information across different communities. Long ties are actually very persistent and may get even stronger over time, research by Yuan Yuan shows.

    Full story: Lasting Ties: Examining the Stability of Social Bridges

Office: KRAN 709

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