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Kelly Schwind Wilson

Kelly Schwind Wilson

Professor of Management
Organizational Behavior/Human Resources


Ph.D., Business Administration, Michigan State University
B.A., Psychology and Communication Studies, University of Michigan


Professor Kelly Schwind Wilson received her Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University and her B.A. in Psychology and Communication Studies from the University of Michigan. Professor Wilson teaches leadership and organizational behavior courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her research focuses on two main areas including the work-nonwork interface and leadership, with an emphasis on how work and nonwork interpersonal relationships influence and are influenced by employees’ different roles and resources. 

Professor Wilson's research has been published in various leading journals including the Academy of Management JournalAcademy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology and Personnel Psychology. Among other awards, Professor Wilson was the recipient of the 2011 John and Mary Willis Young Faculty Scholar Award, a 2017-2018 Krannert Faculty Fellow Scholar Award, a 2020-2025 University Faculty Scholar Award, and the 2022 Poets & Quants Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professor recognition.


Journal Articles

  • Kleshinski, C. E., Wilson, K. S., DeRue, D. S., & Conlon, D. E. (2023). "Does justice need to be in the eyes of both beholders? Examining face-to-face and virtual negotiators’ interactional justice congruence." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research vol. 16 100-131. | Download |
  • Bartels, A., Nahrgang, J. D., Sessions, H., Wilson, K. S., Wu, L. & Law-Penrose, J. C. (2022). "With a frown or a smile: How leader affective states spark the leader-follower reciprocal exchange process." Personnel Psychology vol. 75 147-177. | Download |
  • Wilson, K. S., Kleshinski, C. E., & Matta, F. K. (2021). "You get me: Examining the implications of couples’ depersonalization agreement for employee recovery." Personnel Psychology vol. 74 265-293. | Download |
  • Kleshinski, C. E., Wilson, K. S., Street, J. S., & Scott, B. A. (2021). "Principled leader behaviors: An integrative framework and extension of why leaders are fair, ethical, and non-abusive." Academy of Management Annals vol. 15 1-36. | Download |
  • Li, Y., Kleshinski, C. E., Wilson, K. S., Zhang, K. (2021). "Age differences in affective responses to inclusion experience: A daily dairy study." Personnel Psychology forthcoming. | Download |
  • Perrigino, M. B., Dunford, B. B., & Wilson, K. S. (2018). "Work-family backlash: The “dark side” of work-life balance (WLB) policies." Academy of Management Annals vol. 12 600-630. | Download |
  • Wilson, K. S., Baumann, H. M., Matta, F. K., Ilies, R., & Kossek, E. E. (2018). "Misery loves company: An investigation of couples’ interrole conflict congruence." Academy of Management Journal vol. 61 715-737. | Download |
  • Ilies, R., Wagner, D. T., Wilson, K. S., Ceja, L., Johnson, M. D., DeRue, D. S., & Ilgen, D. R. (2017). "Flow at work and basic psychological needs: Effects on well-being." Applied Psychology: An International Review vol. 66 3-24. | Download |
  • Wilson, K. S., DeRue, D. S., Matta, F. K., Howe, M., & Conlon, D. E. (2016). "Personality similarity in negotiations: Testing the dyadic effects of similarity in interpersonal traits and the use of emotional displays on negotiation outcomes." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 101 1405-1421. | Download |
  • Wilson, K. S., & Baumann, H. M. (2015). "Capturing a more complete view of employees lives outside of work: The introduction and development of new interrole conflict constructs." Personnel Psychology vol. 68 235-282. | Download |
  • Goh, Z., Ilies, R., & Wilson, K. S. (2015). "Supportive supervisors improve employees daily lives: The role supervisors play in the impact of daily workload on life satisfaction via work-family conflict." Journal of Vocational Behavior vol. 89 65-73. | Download |
  • Wilson, K. S., Sin, H. P., & Conlon, D. E. (2010). "What about the leader in leader-member exchange? The impact of resource exchanges and substitutability on the leader." Academy of Management Review vol. 35 358-372. | Download |
  • Ilies, R., Wilson, K. S., & Wagner, D. T. (2009). "The spillover of daily job satisfaction onto employees' family lives: The facilitating role of work-family integration." Academy of Management Journal vol. 52 87-102. | Download |
  • Barnes, C. M., Hollenbeck, J. R., Wagner, D. T., DeRue, D. S., Nahrgang, J. D., & Schwind, K. M. (2008). "Harmful help: The costs of backing-up behavior in teams." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 93 529-539. | Download |
  • Ilies, R., Schwind, K. M., Wagner, D. T., Johnson, M. D., DeRue, D. S., & Ilgen, D. R. (2007). "When can employees have a family life? The effects of daily workload and affect on work-family conflict and social behaviors at home." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 92 1368-1379. | Download |
  • Ilies, R., Schwind, K. M., & Heller, D. (2007). "Employee well-being: A multilevel model linking work and nonwork domains." European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology vol. 16 326-341. | Download |
  • Coping at Work

    Coping with Work and Nonwork Demands

    Which combinations of coping strategies are beneficial for employees’ work and well-being? Kelly Schwind Wilson's research outlines multiple strategies for successfully managing stressful demands, including planning, prioritizing, positive reframing, and seeking emotional and instrumental support.

    Full story: Coping with Work and Nonwork Demands

  • Married couple arguing

    Misery Loves Company: How Your Partner's Roles Influence Your Work-Family Satisfaction

    Donna and Rhonda work at the same office and have comparable job responsibilities. Yet things are quite different at their respective homes, where they live with working partners. Donna has few responsibilities compared to her partner, Kim, who handles almost all the domestic chores and takes time off from work whenever their child is sick. Rhonda, on the other hand, often feels overwhelmed with housework and the burdens of raising four children, and so does her husband, Mark, who shares the household duties and also takes care of an aging parent.

    Full story: Misery Loves Company: How Your Partner's Roles Influence Your Work-Family Satisfaction

  • Work-Family Backlash

    PhD grad Matthew Perrigino and faculty members Kelly Schwind Wilson and Benjamin Dunford discuss their research on work-family backlash

  • Conflicts between work and family

    Professor Kelly Wilson discusses conflicts between work and family

  • Kelly Schwind Wilson

    Coping with Work and Nonwork Demands

    OBHR researcher Kelly Schwind Wilson investigates which combinations of coping strategies are beneficial for employees’ work and well-being.

    Full story: Coping with Work and Nonwork Demands

  • Kelly Schwind-Wilson
    Kelly Schwind Wilson’s inspirational journey to full professor
    When Kelly Schwind Wilson applied to college, she thought she’d be a veterinarian. Now a full professor at the Daniels School of Business, her journey took a dramatically different path.
  • working parent
    What Working Parents Need from Their Managers
    Even during a pandemic, managers are expected to lead their teams and drive business results. But there’s a dilemma: They must acknowledge that Covid-19 is putting an enormous strain on people, especially working parents, while also holding them accountable for getting their work done. This means employing two strategies that, on the surface, might seem to conflict: predictability and flexibility. Specifically, they should build routines into the workday without unduly burdening parents, while at the same time experimenting with new ways of working and communicating so that everyone’s needs are accommodated fairly.

Phone: (765) 496-1368
Office: RAWL 4033

Area(s) of Expertise

Leadership, Management, Remote Work, Well-being, Work/Family Balance