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Andres Vargas

Andres Vargas

Clinical Assistant Professor of Economics
Director of Undergraduate Programs in Economics


Ph.D., Economics, University of Texas at Austin
M.A. Natural Resources and Agricultural Economics, Toulouse School of Economics
B.A. Economics, Universidad de los Andes


Dr. Andres J. Vargas main fields of expertise are macroeconomics and labor economics, with research interests in the areas of health, immigration, and time use. In these areas, he addresses two broad questions from a time use perspective: the economic impact of immigrants and the assimilation of immigrants to the US. His approach has been mainly micro-econometric, usually focusing on the identification and estimation of causal effects through the use of household survey data. Andres holds bachelor's and master's degrees in economics from Los Andes University in Colombia, a master's degree in natural resources and agricultural economics from the Toulouse School of Economics in France, and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Texas at Austin.

Journal Articles

  • Vargas, A. (2014). "Assimilation Effects beyond the Labor Market: Time Allocations of Mexican Immigrants to the U.S." Review of Economics of the Household
  • Vargas, A. (2011). "The Effect of Social Security Contributions on Coverage and Wages: A Gender Perspective Using a Natural Experiment from Colombia." Southern Economic Journal vol. 78 (2),
  • De Silva, D., McComb, R., Moh, Y., Schiller A. & Vargas A. (2010). "The Effect of Migration on Wages: Evidence from a Natural Experiment." American Economic Review (P&P) vol. 100 (2),

Book Chapters

  • Vargas, A. (2013). "Market Work, Home Production, Personal Care, and Leisure: Time Allocation Trajectories of Hispanic Immigrant Couples." in Marie Mora and Alberto Davila, eds., The Economic Status of the Hispanic Population, Information Age Publishing Inc

Phone: (765) 496-2862
Office: KRAN 401

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Area(s) of Expertise

Data Analytics, Economics, Economics Education, Federal Reserve, Future of Work, Labor, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Migration, Monetary Policy