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Mohammad Rahman

Mohammad Rahman

Professor of Management
Daniels School Chair in Management
Management Information Systems


Ph.D., Management Information Systems, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. 2008
MBA, Management Information Systems, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. 2004
BS, Computer Science, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. 2002


Professor Mohammad Saifur Rahman is the inaugural Daniels School Chair in Management and a Professor of Management at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue University. He was named one of the World's Top 40 Business School Professors Under 40 by Poets and Quants in 2017. His research primarily focuses on:

  • Digitization Economics
  • Omnichannel Retailing
  • Innovations and Inequality
  • AI and Decision Making

Professor Rahman has published in major journals including Management ScienceInformation Systems Research, and MIT Sloan Management Review. His papers have been accepted in several leading conferences, e.g., Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), and Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST). Also, his research has been supported by multiple major Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grants.

Professor Rahman has been recognized with many different awards and honors. His notable honors include the CICP Faculty Commercialization Award in 2020, INFORMS Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award in 2018, and the Jay N. Ross Young Faculty Scholar Award in 2015.

Prior to joining Purdue as a faculty in 2014, Professor Rahman was an Associate Professor at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. While at Haskayne, he received the Dean's Award for Outstanding New Scholar in 2010 and the Dean's Award for Outstanding Research Achievement in 2014. 

In 2013, Professor Rahman co-chaired the Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST) and, in 2014, served as the president of INFORMS eBusiness Society.  He is currently serving as an associate editor of Management Science and Information Systems Research (ISR) and served as the lead organizer for Krannert-Walmart Data Dive, what is believed to be the first data dive on a college campus, as well as the Dawn or Doom Data Dive in cooperation with Cisco.

Professor Rahman's teaching interests mainly lie in:

  • Data-Driven Decisions in Digital Business
  • Web Data Analytics
  • Digital Transformations and Markets
  • Data Management and Business Analytics

Professor Rahman has been recognized as a Krannert Outstanding and Distinguished Teacher at both undergraduate and master's levels (2015-present).  While teaching as a doctoral student in 2006 and 2007, he received the Certificate for Distinguished Teaching – the highest recognition at Krannert for excellence in teaching by a doctoral student.

Journal Articles

  • W. Jabr and M. Rahman (2022). "Online Reviews and the Information Overload: The Role of Selective, Parsimonious and Concordant Top Reviews." MIS Quarterly vol. forthcoming | Related Website |
  • Rahman, M., Alyakoob, M. (2022). "Shared Prosperity (or Lack Thereof) in the Sharing Economy." Information Systems Research vol. forthcoming | Related Website |
  • M. Alyakoob, M. Rahman, and Z. Wei (2021). "Where You Live Matters: Local Bank Competition, Online Marketplace Lending, and Disparity in Borrower Benefits." Information Systems Research vol. 32 (4), 1390-1411. | Related Website |
  • Chen, T., Sun, J., Rahman, M., and Hu, Y. (2021). "The Effects of Sister-Store Presence and Market Competition on Product Assortment: Evidence from Book Retailing." Service Science vol. 13 (3), 155-171. | Related Website |
  • Nault, B. and Rahman, M. (2019). "Proximity to a Traditional Physical Store: The Effects of Mitigating Online Disutility Costs." Production and Operations Management vol. 28(4) 1033-1051. | Related Website |
  • Gutt, D., Herrmann, P., and Rahman, M. (2019). "Crowd-Driven Competitive Intelligence: Understanding the Relationship between Local Market Structure and Online Rating Distributions." Information Systems Research vol. 30(3) 711-1105. | Related Website |
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2018). "Avoid These Five Digital Retailing Mistakes." MIT Sloan Management Review Frontiers, Digital Edition
  • Kannan, K., Rahman, M., and Tawarmalani, M. (2016). "Economic and Policy Implications of Restricted Patch Distribution." Management Science vol. 62 (11) 3161-3182.
  • Gong, F., Nault, B., and Rahman, M. (2016). "An Internet-Enabled Move to the Market in Logistics." Information Systems Research vol. 27 (2), 440-452
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. (2015). "Beating Irrationality: Does Delegating to IT Alleviate the Sunk Cost Effect?" Management Science vol. 61 (4), 831-850.
  • Ackura, M.T., Ozdemir, Z., and Rahman, M. (2015). "Online Intermediary as a Channel for Selling Quality Differentiated Services." Decision Sciences vol. 46 (1), 37-62.
  • Brynjolfsson, E., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2013). "Competing in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing." MIT Sloan Management Review vol. 54 (4) 23-29.
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2013). "Product-Oriented Web Technologies and Product Returns: An Exploratory Study." Information Systems Research vol. 24 (4) 998-1010.
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2010). "Technology Usage and Online Sales: An Empirical Study." Management Science vol. 56 (11) 1930-1045.
  • Brynjolfsson, E., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2009). "Battle of the Retail Channels: How Product Selection and Geography Drive Cross-channel Competition." Management Science vol. 55 (11) 1755-1765.

Conference Proceedings

  • M. Alyakoob, A. Mahalingam, and M. Rahman (2020). "Implications of Priority Access in Markets with Experts: Evidence from Online Marketplace Lending." Third Toronto Fintech Conference, Toronto
  • T. Havakhor, M. Rahman, T. Zhang, and C. Zhu (2020). "Big Data and Noise Trading: Evidence from a Natural Experiment." Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Madrid, Spain
  • Alyakoob, M. and Rahman, M. (2020). "Shared Prosperity (or Lack Thereof) in the Sharing Economy." NBER Economics of Digitization Meeting, Stanford.
  • T. Havakhor, M. Rahman, and T. Zhang (2020). "Cybersecurity Investments and the Cost of Capital." Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), Brussels
  • M. Alyakoob, A. Mahalingam, and M. Rahman (2020). "Implications of Priority Access in Markets with Experts: Evidence from Online Marketplace Lending." International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), India
  • Havakhor, T. and Rahman, M. (2019). "Not-so-Dumb Money: Beating the Competition with Talent Acquisition." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Seattle.
  • Havakhor, T., Rahman, M., Zhang, T., and Zhu, C. (2019). "Not Knowing What to Do With or Without Machine Intelligence: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Involving Retail Investors." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Seattle.
  • Havakhor, T. and Rahman, M. (2019). "Not-so-Dumb Money: Beating the Competition with Talent Acquisition." Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Hong Kong.
  • Havakhor, T., Rahman, M., Zhang, T., and Zhu, C. (2019). "How Does Big Data Impact Small Investors' Decision Quality? Evidence from a Natural Experiment." Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE), Cambridge, MA.
  • Havakhor, T., Rahman, M., Zhang, T., and Zhu, C. (2019). "How Does Big Data Impact Small Investors' Decision Quality? Evidence from a Natural Experiment." Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), Munich, Germany.
  • Jabr, W. and Rahman, M. (2018). "The Power of a few “Superstar” Reviews: Empirical Evidence and a Quasi-Natural Field Experiment on Amazon." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, AZ.
  • Alyakoob, M. and Rahman, M. (2018). "Shared Prosperity (or Lack Thereof) in the Sharing Economy." Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE), Cambridge, MA.
  • Alyakoob, M. and Rahman, M. (2018). "Sharing Economy as a Local Economic Engine: The Heterogeneous Impact of Airbnb on Restaurant Employment Growth." Sixth Annual Platform Research Symposium, Boston.
  • Alyakoob, M. and Rahman, M. (2018). "Shared Prosperity (or Lack Thereof) in the Sharing Economy." Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  • Alyakoob, M. and Rahman, M. (2018). "Shared Prosperity (or Lack Thereof) in the Sharing Economy." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Phoenix, AZ.
  • Kar, W. and Rahman, M. (2018). "When Enough Ad is Enough: Who Tolerates and Who Doesn't?" 40th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Philadelphia.
  • Alyakoob, M. and Rahman, M. (2018). "Airbnb: Is it a Curse or a Blessing for Restaurant Employment." International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco.
  • Alyakoob, M. and Rahman, M. (2018). "Shared Prosperity (or Lack Thereof) in the Sharing Economy." Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), San Francisco.
  • M. Alyakoob and Z. Wei (2017). "Where You Live Matters: The Impact of Local Financial Market Competition on a Borrower’s Debt Management Strategies." Stanford, CA.
  • M. Alyakoob, M. Rahman, and Z. Wei (2017). "To Prepay or Default? The Impact of Local Financial Market Competition in Online Debt Crowdfunding." Seattle, WA.
  • Alyakoob, M., Rahman, M., and Wei, Z. (2017). "Where You Live Matters: The Impact of Local Financial Market Competition in Managing Online Peer-To-Peer Loans." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Houston, TX.
  • M. Alyakoob and A. Mahalingam (2017). "Geography and the Rise of FinTech: Evidence from Peer to Peer Lending." Ontario, Canada.
  • M. Alyakoob, M. Rahman, and Z. Wei (2017). "Where You Live Matters: The Impact of Local Financial Market Competition on a Borrower's Debt Management Strategies." Boulder Summer Conference on Consumer Financial Decision Making, Boulder, CO.
  • Alyakoob, M., Rahman, M and Wei, Z. (2016). "To Prepay or Default? The Role of Local Financial Market Competition in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending." Workshop on Information Systems Economics, (WISE) Dublin, Ireland.
  • Havakhor, T., Rahman, M. and Sertia, P. (2016). "Choice of IT Governance Mode in Multi Business Firms: The Effect of Technology Embeddedness." Conference on Information Systems and Technology, (CIST) Nashville, TN.
  • Gutt, D., Herrmann, P. and Rahman, M. (2016). "Crowd-Driven Competitive Intelligence: Understanding the Relationship between Local Market Structure and Online Rating Distributions." INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.
  • Herrmann, P. and Rahman, M. (2014). "The Hunt for Quality in a Market: Exploring the Relationship Between Local Market Structure and Digitized Customer Experience." Workshop on Information Systems Economics, (WISE) Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Herrmann, P. and Rahman, M. (2014). "What is the Relationship Between Market Structure and Digitized Customer Experience?" INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • Herrmann, P. and Rahman, M. (2014). "Exploring the Relationship Between Local Market Structure and Digitized Customer Experience." Conference on Information Systems and Technology, (CIST) San Francisco, CA.
  • T. Chen, Y. Hu, M. Rahman, and J. Sun (2014). "The Effect of Sister-Sister Presence and Market Competition on Product Assortment: Evidence from Book Retailing." POMS 25th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Jabr, W. and Rahman, M. (2013). "Dynamics of the Market for Information: An Analysis of the Online Word-of-Mouth." International Conference on Information Systems, Milan, (ICIS) Italy.
  • Nault, B. and Rahman, M. (2013). "Reach Versus Competition in Channels with Internet and Traditional Retailers." Theory in Economics of Information Systems, Monterey, CA.
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. (2013). "Does it Pay Off to Bid Aggressively? An Empirical Study." Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii.
  • Jabr, W. and Rahman, M. (2013). "Dynamics of the Market for Information: An Analysis of the Online Word-of-Mouth." Ninth Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Rahman, M. (2013). "Digital Economy and Technology Adoption." 47th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economic Association, Montreal, Canada.
  • Havakhor, T., Rahman, M., and Setia, P. (2013). "Impact of Technology Clusters on Centralization of IT Governance." INFORMS Annual Meeting2013 (co-author presented), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Chen, T. Hu, Y., Rahman, M., and Sun, J. (2012). "The Effect of Store Coordination and Market Competition on Product Assortment: Evidence from Book Retailing." INFORMS MSOM (Manufacturing and Service Operations Management) Conference, Columbia University.
  • Jabr, W. and Rahman, M. (2012). "The Role of Online Reviews in Mitigating Product Uncertainties." INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. (2012). "Does it Pay Off to Bid Aggressively? An Empirical Study." INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. (2012). "To Bid or Not to Bid Aggressively? An Empirical Study." Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), Orlando, FL.
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. (2012). "Does it Pay Off to Bid Aggressively? An Empirical Study." International Conference on Information systems (ICIS), Orlando, FL.
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. (2011). "Sunk Cost Effect: The Impact of Delegating Decision Making to IT." INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte, NC.
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. (2011). "The Impact of Delegating Decision Making to IT on the Sunk Cost Effect." Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), Shanghai, China.
  • Gong, F., Nault, B., and Rahman, M. (2011). "IT, Logistics Outsourcing and Industry-Level Productivity." INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte, NC.
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. (2011). "Sunk Cost Effect: The Impact of Delegating Decision Making to IT." Seventh Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR), Rio de Janeiro,.
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2010). "Product Returns: An empirical Investigation of the Effect of Advanced Web Technologies." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Austin, TX.
  • Kannan, K., Rahman, M., and Tawarmalani, M. (2010). "Software Maintenance and Piracy: Economic and Policy Implications of Patch Development Resources." University of Alberta Workshop on Information Systems Security, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,.
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2010). "An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Advanced Web Technologies on Product Returns." Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), St. Louis, MO.
  • Ackura, M.T., Ozdemir, Z., and Rahman, M. (2009). "Advance Selling Battle on Infomediaries: How Quality Differentiation Determines Price Premiums." Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), San Diego, CA.
  • Ackura, M.T., Ozdemir, Z., and Rahman, M. (2009). "Strategic Adoption of Internet Agents." INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2009, Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Ackura, M.T. Ozdemir, Z., and Rahman, M. (2009). "When and How Should Service Providers Adopt Internet Infomediaries?" CORS/INFORMS International Meeting 2009, Toronto, Canada.
  • Ackura, M.T., Ozdemir, Z., and Rahman, M. (2009). "Advance Selling of Services Through Infomediaries." INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009, San Diego, CA.
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2008). "Website Features and Online Shopping: How Technology Usage Impacts Consumer Demand." Big Ten Information Systems Symposium, University of Notre Dame, IN.
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2008). "Website Features and Online Shopping: How Technology Usage Impacts Consumer Demand." INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008, Washington D.C..
  • Kannan, K., Tawarmalani, M. and Rahman, M. (2007). "The Countervailing Incentive of Restricted Patch Distribution: Economic and Policy Implications." Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Brynjolfsson, E., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2007). "Battle of the Retail Channels: How Internet Selection and Local Retailer Proximity Drive Cross-Channel Competition." International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2007). "The Impact of Technology Usage on Consumer Demand." Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE), Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  • Rahman, M. (2006). "The Impact of the Internet on the Sales Distribution: The Role of Product Attributes, 200." Big Ten Information Systems Symposium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL.
  • Martin, N., Paul, S., and Rahman, M. (2003). "Data Mining, Group Memory, Group Decision Making: A Theoretical Framework." Proceedings of the 9th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Tampa, FL.

Other Publications

  • Rahman, M. (2013). "Digital Economy and Technology Adoption: A Research Commentary." Industry Canada, Government of Canada
  • De, P., Hu, Y., and Rahman, M. (2012). "Do All Product-Oriented Web Technologies Reduce Product Returns?" ISB Insight vol. 10 (1)

Research In Progress

  • T. Havakhor and M. Rahman "Not-so-Dumb Money: Beating the Competition with Talent Acquisition."
  • W. Kar and M. Rahman "Website Engagements and Advertisements."
  • M. Alyakoob, M. Rahman, and F. Rossi "Online Reputations and Market Power."
  • M. Alyakoob, A. Mahalingam, and M. Rahman "Implications of Priority Access in Markets with Experts: Evidence from Online Marketplace Lending."
  • Rahman M. and Nault B. "Physical Stores in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing."
  • Herrmann, P., Kundisch, D., and Rahman, M. "The Impact of IT Usage on the Evolution of a Decision Bias: An Empirical Study."

Working Papers

  • Rahman, M., Havakhor, T., Zhang, T., Zhu, C. "Big Data, Retail Investors, and Financial Markets." | Related Website |
  • Rahman, M., Havakhor, T., Zhang, T. "Disclosure of Cybersecurity Investments and the Cost of Capital." | Related Website |
  • Rahman, M., Havakhor, T., Setia, P. "IT Centralization, IT Portfolio Similarities, and Cross-Unit IT Synergies." | Related Website |
  • Stock Trading

    Regulating Big-Tech to Rein in Gambling-Like Behavior in the Stock Market

    Not all dangerous trading comes from insider trading practices, fraud or false and misleading information. Social media and tech platforms can also cause people to engage in risky trading, a new study by Purdue University’s Mohammad Rahman, the Daniels School Chair in Management, demonstrates.

    Full story: Regulating Big-Tech to Rein in Gambling-Like Behavior in the Stock Market

  • lending computer key

    Research shows disparity in borrower benefits between local banks and online lenders

    The proliferation of online marketplace lending has been disrupting the consumer credit market, giving borrowers increased options for consolidating debt and building credit. Although marketplace lenders like the Lending Club, Prosper and others can transcend the geographic boundaries of traditional banks, the ultimate benefits to marketplace borrowers can still differ because local opportunities to replace marketplace loans vary.

    Full story: Research shows disparity in borrower benefits between local banks and online lenders

  • A Purdue University team has developed X-Blockchain, a crypto-powered ledger technology that allows users to perform transactions in a confidential manner.

    Data Confidence: Blockchain technology helps users share rewards

    Facebook’s announcement to get into the banking business is putting a new spotlight on blockchain technology. Facebook plans to launch a blockchain-based financial network using Libra, which is being touted as the tech giant’s digital currency. Purdue University researchers led by Krannert Professor Mohammad Rahman have developed X-Blockchain, a crypto-powered ledger technology that allows users to perform transactions in a confidential manner.

    Full story: Data Confidence: Blockchain technology helps users share rewards

  • Homesharing

    Left Behind: How disruptive technology may choose society's winners and losers

    New platforms like home- and ride-sharing services often are praised for leveling the playing field, cutting out the middle man and boosting the economy. However, what if the explosion of disruptive technology is exploiting our biases, rather than helping us overcome them? This phenomenon is highlighted by new findings from an Airbnb study by Prof. Mohammand Rahman and doctoral student Mohammed Alyakoob from Purdue University's Krannert School of Management.

    Full story: Left Behind: How disruptive technology may choose society's winners and losers

  •  Big Data

    Digital Revolution

    Mohammad Rahman graduated with a degree in computer science during the emergence of a digital renaissance, going on to become an MBA student who foresaw both technology’s transformative role in commerce and its destructive potential. Rahman, now a professor in the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University, studies how digital platforms have grown to revolutionize the world of retail and fundamentally change how businesses interact with consumers.

    Full story: Digital Revolution

  • Airbnb affects on parallel industries

    Tourism activity in areas with a rise in Airbnb rentals could spill over into complementary industries, such as the restaurant business, unless those neighborhoods are predominantly black or Hispanic, a new study suggests.

  • Laptop & Smartphone

    Consumer Consumption

    A pair of faculty members from Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management recently won a research grant of $50,000 from Adobe Systems as part of an industry and academic collaboration that aims to find new ways to solve the challenges that plague today’s online marketers.

    Full story: Consumer Consumption

  •  Professor Explaining

    Data Quandary

    Smart cars, smart streets and smart homes could make life much easier, but what's the tradeoff? Mohammad Rahman, a Purdue University associate professor of management information systems, says the quandary surrounding data and its ownership is important to some people. But for the most part, consumers have indicated that they prefer convenience over privacy.

    Full story: Data Quandary

  • Where You Live Still Matters

    Professor Mohammad Saifur Rahman is an Associate Professor of Management at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University. He was named one of the World's Top 40 Business School Professors Under 40 by Poets and Quants in 2017.

  • Online retail technologies

    Prabuddha De, Accenture Professor of Information Technology, and Mohammad Rahman, associate professor of management, both in the Krannert School of Management, along with former Krannert colleague Yu Hu, currently associate professor at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, conducted the research. They partnered with a large online women’s clothing retailer to study the effectiveness of navigational technologies, such as search and recommendation systems, and product-oriented technologies, including a zoom-in feature, color swatches and alternative photos.

  • Professor Mohammad Rahman on the future of fast food service

    Cashiers are Zooming in from the Philippines to take your order at an NYC fried chicken joint.

    Full story: Professor Mohammad Rahman on the future of fast food service

  • Student interacting with data
    Technology powers business in new Daniels School degree
    A new master’s degree program at Purdue’s Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business will prepare the next generation of graduates ready to lead teams and organizations in the digital economy.
  • Butcher cutting meat
    Local businesses lean on subscriptions to build revenue, customer connections
    A growing number of local businesses are latching onto an age-old retail concept: the monthly subscription service. The idea of having customers periodically pay in advance for products or services is nothing new. Newspapers and magazines have operated on this model for centuries, and beer-, coffee-, fruit- and cigar-of-the-month clubs have existed for decades. But in the last decade or so, national companies have launched subscriptions for everything from cosmetics to meal kits to pet products. Mohammad Rahman, an associate professor of management at Purdue's Krannert School of Management, comments on the trend.
  • RightFit Analytics
    AI tool aims to help doctors, patients better prepare for surgery
    A new tool using an artificial intelligence platform may help doctors better prepare patients for surgery. Mohammad Rahman, a Purdue University associate professor of management, and his team developed the tool to help improve health care outcomes. They have received a Phase I SBIR grant from the National Science Foundation to support their work.
  • Mohammad Rahman
    Krannert professor recognized with 2020 Faculty Commercialization Award
    Mohammad Rahman, an associate professor in information systems at the Krannert School, is the 2020 recipient of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership (CICP) Faculty Commercialization Award for his innovative technology startup RightFit Analytics, a precision health focused evidence-driven prescriptive analytics solution for healthcare that utilizes artificial intelligence to learn success patterns.
  • Purdue University livestreams panels on COVID-19 supply chain disruptions and economic implications
    Professors in the Krannert School of Management and College of Agriculture at Purdue University participated in an hourlong panel discussion and Q&A on May 18 about the disruptions to supply chains caused by COVID-19 and implications for consumers. Earlier in May, three Krannert faculty affiliates from the Purdue University Research Center in Economics (PURCE) hosted a Facebook Live event on the economic implications of COVID-19.
  • Mohammad Rahman
    Purdue experts on COVID-19: Krannert professor provides tips on shopping digitally
    Mohammad Rahman, associate professor of management, offers advice in a video to help consumers have successful digital shopping during the pandemic.
  • Purdue University to livestream panel on COVID-19 supply chain disruptions and implications for consumers
    Professors in the Krannert School of Management and College of Agriculture at Purdue University will participate in an hourlong panel discussion and Q&A about the disruptions to supply chains caused by COVID-19 and implications for consumers.
  • Three ways malls and department stores can survive the growing number of COVID-19 lockdowns
    Many states are closing nonessential businesses and urging residents to shelter in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The measures are forcing malls, department stores and brick-and-mortar shops – already hard-hit by closures, bankruptcies and dwindling business – to transition to online-only sales and experiment with alternative delivery options, says Krannert professor Mohammad Rahman.
  • Spring break travel: Three ways to be a more responsible Airbnb guest
    Travelers planning an affordable spring break trip should be aware of the “Airbnb effect.” Areas with a rise in Airbnb rentals, for example, often see a jump in housing prices and other negative aspects of tourism, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Mohammad Rahman, an associate professor in the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University who has studied and written about the home-sharing platform, said the problem goes far beyond housing prices.
  • Home-sharing
    Left behind: How disruptive technology may choose society’s winners and losers
    New platforms like home- and ride-sharing services often are praised for leveling the playing field, cutting out the middle man and boosting the economy. Additional findings from an Airbnb study by Krannert professor Mohammad Rahman, however, suggest black neighborhoods were frequently perceived as “shady” and “risky.”
  • Two Krannert Professors Receive Distinguished Award
    Fabrice Lumineau and Mohammad Saifur Rahman were named as part of the 2017 Poets and Quants “Best 40 Under 40 Professors” list.
  • Krannert prof among three Purdue University researchers to advance innovations through $100,000-plus in funding
    Three Purdue University researchers have received a total of $121,000 from the Trask Innovation Fund to further develop their technologies and move them through the commercialization pipeline. Mohammad Rahman, an associate professor in the Krannert School of Management, was awarded $21,218 to further develop a scalable platform that enables enterprises to perform real-time computations across private ledgers without needing to disclose confidential information in the ledgers to anyone, including the platform.
  • Top Purdue Research News from 2018: Krannert prof Mohammad Rahman on the inequalities of a sharing economy
    Neighborhood tourism, air quality for babies, service dogs for vets, and an answer to whether money buys you happiness were among the most popular news stories released by Purdue University in 2018. Articles about these research efforts appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, NBC News, and thousands of other media outlets around the world, including a study by Krannert's Mohammad Rahman about the lack of economic spillover to black and Hispanic communities within the growing platform of home sharing.
  • Krannert’s Mohammad Rahman recognized with 2018 ISS Early Career Award
    Mohammad Rahman, an associate professor in the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University, was recently honored with the 2018 Information Systems Society (ISS) Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award, which is presented annually to individuals who are on a path towards making outstanding intellectual contributions to the information systems discipline. Rahman's research focuses primarily on digital business, big data, omni-channel retailing, technology usage, retail and web analytics, and consumer behavior and decision making.
  • Mohammad Rahman
    Don’t get left behind: Krannert prof examines how big data, automation are revolutionizing the world of retail
    Krannert Professor Mohammad Rahman discusses how technology is transforming people and businesses and how AI could exploit our biases rather than help us overcome them. Rahman’s work aligns with Purdue's Giant Leaps celebration, acknowledging the university’s global advancements made in artificial intelligence as part of Purdue’s 150th anniversary. This is one of the four themes of the yearlong celebration’s Ideas Festival, designed to showcase Purdue as an intellectual center solving real-world issues
  • Airbnb benefits local economies. But mainly in white neighborhoods, study finds.
    The study found that users of the home sharing platform generally eat in the neighborhood restaurants near where they are staying. However the spillover effect does not hold true when 50 percent or more of a neighborhood’s residents are black or Hispanic.
  • Study shows Airbnb benefits white neighborhoods; not so for black and Hispanic areas
    Tourism activity in areas with a rise in Airbnb rentals could spill over into complementary industries, such as the restaurant business, unless those neighborhoods are predominantly black or Hispanic, a new study by Krannert researchers suggests. “Airbnb has made repeated claims that it helps the local economy in black neighborhoods, especially in New York City,” said Mohammad Rahman, author of the study and an associate professor of management at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management. “We do not find any evidence of that economic spillover effect.”
  • Airbnb provides bigger economic boost for white neighborhoods, study finds
    Airbnb rentals help local economies by driving restaurant traffic and employment in a handful of U.S. cities, but not in predominantly black or Hispanic neighborhoods, according to a study from Purdue University.
  • Self-driving cars will change the way we shop – if we let them, says Krannert retail expert
    In a future with autonomous vehicles, cars could suggest where to stop for coffee in the morning and pick up groceries after work, not only altering the way humans travel, but how they shop and how they’re targeted by retailers. Mohammad Rahman, an associate professor of management at Purdue University, says the next disruption in retail may not occur in stores or online, but in the cars people depend on to commute, run errands and travel.
  • Krannert professors outline five common digital retailing mistakes
    Krannert faculty members Prabuddha De and Mohammad Rahman say today’s retailers need to adopt a data-driven view — with the goal of understanding how website features and advances in AI will affect consumer behavior.
  • Adobe invests in Krannert faculty research on data science in marketing
    A pair of faculty members from Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management recently won a research grant of $50,000 from Adobe Systems. Wreetabrata Kar, an assistant professor, and Mohammad Rahman, an associate professor, are studying different drivers of knowledge consumption on the Internet and endeavor to find how a site can leverage such drivers to influence consumer behavior.
  • AI
    Krannert's Mohammad Rahman discusses artificial intelligence with Business Today
    Mohammad Rahman, associate professor of management at Purdue University's Krannert School of Management, recently spoke to Business Today about the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI). "To me, AI is when you are able to let the machine make certain decisions that are not so codified," said Rahman. "We need a lot of data to train AI so that it can deal with situations as they come up based on what it has seen before."
  • Students come up with novel business solutions for Cisco as part of “data dive” competition
    Teams of Purdue students took a dive as part of the University’s Dawn or Doom ‘17 conference and Cisco walked away with a portfolio of original business solutions as a result. Meanwhile, the winning teams — all of which included at least one student from the Krannert School — walked away with $6,000 in prize money.
  • 2017 Best 40 Under 40 Professors
    Two Krannert professors have been named in the “2017 Best 40 Under 40 Professors” by Poets & Quants, a website dedicated to business school news. Fabrice Lumineau and Mohammad Rahman made this year’s list. They join Xiaoyan Zhang, who made the list in 2014, in receiving the honor.
  • Krannert Students Use Class Knowledge to Win Data Dive
    Krannert School of Management students are continuing to live up to the school’s prestigious name. The Kraft Foods Group corporation held its first Data Dive competition, in which five Krannert undergraduate students made up the winning team. “I picked a team of five students from my class to participate and compete in one category – segmentation,” said associate professor of management Mohammad Rahman.
  • Selling via Technology
    In a world where industries fight to increase sales by a percentage point and where product returns cost U.S. manufacturers $100 billion a year, paying attention to the human factors aspect of information technology could make a world of difference.
  • Purdue Study: Online Shopping "Recommended for You" Links Really Do Boost Sales
    A Purdue study finds those online shopping "you might also like" suggestions really do boost sales. Krannert School of Management Professors Prabuddha De and Mohammad Rahman worked with a women's clothing retailer to track the server logs from the company's website. Rahman says including recommendations of other items similar to what customers originally searched for increased sales 5.5%.
  • Professors: Online retail technologies have mixed results
    WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — With the holiday shopping season approaching, online retailers are gearing up for increased customer visits and potential sales. But research by two Purdue University management professors found that some technologies online retailers frequently use are more effective than others.
  • Image courtesy of Flickr user Vermin Inc.
    Omnichannel Retailing and Data Analytics: Leveling the Playing Field
    In a recent AllAnalytics video and web chat, Analytics in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing, researchers Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the MIT Center for Digital Business, Yu Jeffrey Hu, associate professor at Georgia Institute of Technology’s Scheller College of Business, and Mohammad Rahman, associate professor at University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business, discussed the challenges facing retailers.

CICP Faculty Commercialization Award

GOLD Award, Entrepreneurial Learning Academy, Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship, Purdue University

INFORMS ISS Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award

2017 Best Associate Editor, Information Systems Research (ISR)

Entrepreneurial Learning Academy Fellow, Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship

The World’s Top 40 Business School Professors Under 40, Poets and Quants

PRF International Travel Grant, Purdue University

Jay N. Ross Yong Faculty Scholar Award, Krannert School of Management

Meritorious Service Award, Management Science

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research Achievement, Haskayne School of Business

Inaugural Nominee of Haskayne School of Business, Royal Society of Canada New Scholar Award

PRF International Travel Grant

Leadership Fellow, Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business (CCAL)

Fellow, Center for the Digital Economy (CDE@)

Meritorious Service Award, Management Science

Dean’s Award for Outstanding New Scholar, Haskayne School of Business

Graduate Fellowship, Southern Illinois University

Outstanding Senior, Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois University

College of Science Dean's Scholarship

Computer Science Alumni Scholarship

Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges

Augusta Auerbach Endowed Memorial Scholarship

SIUC Undergraduate Tuition Award

College of Science Dean's List, Every Semester

Phone: (765) 494-4464
Office: KRAN 458

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