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Joe Mazur

Joe Mazur

Assistant Professor of Economics


Ph.D. in Economics, Duke University
M.A. in Economics, Duke University
B.S. in Business, Indiana University
B.A. in Economics, Indiana University


Professor Mazur joined Purdue University's business school in June 2015. He studies industrial organization ("I.O.") and is chiefly interested in the capital investment decisions of firms that behave strategically. Professor Mazur's work in this area combines reduced-form empirical analysis with recent econometric advances in the estimation of dynamic games to study how legal/policy changes and market frictions influence investment incentives. His interests also extend to the analysis of mergers and acquisitions, complementing his professional experience as a corporate financial analyst specializing in industrial M&A.

  • airplane

    New Research Predicts Post-Merger Airline Behavior

    In the airline industry, anticompetitive mergers can lead to higher ticket prices. Joe Mazur shows that this is especially true when the newly joined airlines are the only nonstop carriers along a route.

    Full story: New Research Predicts Post-Merger Airline Behavior

Phone: (121) 939-3037
Office: KRAN 321

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Area(s) of Expertise

Airlines, Bankruptcy, Business Valuation, Corporate Finance, Econometrics, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Investment Banking, Managerial Economics, Mergers and Acquisitions, Microeconomics, Valuation