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Lindsay Rosokha

Lindsay Rosokha

Clinical Assistant Professor in Management
Organizational Behavior/Human Resources


Ph.D., Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Purdue University
M.S., Human Resource Management, Purdue University
B.A., Psychology, University of Texas


Journal Articles

  • Kossek, E.E., Rosokha, L.M., & Leana, C. (2020). "Work schedule patching in health care: Exploring implementation approaches." Work and Occupations | Related Website | Download |

Book Chapters

  • Dineen, B.R., Van Hoye, G., Lievens, F., & Rosokha, L.M. (2019). "Third party employment branding: What are its signaling dimensions, mechanisms, and sources?" Research in personnel and human resources management. | Related Website | Download |

Other Publications

  • Kossek, E.E., Wilson, K.S., & Rosokha, L.M. (2020). "What working parents need from their managers." Harvard Business Review | Related Website |
  • Nursing Home Patient

    Work Patch: Improved scheduling could improve life in nursing homes

    Placing a loved one in a nursing home can be a traumatic experience for the entire family with concerns about the care and attention they will receive. According to Ellen Ernst Kossek, the Basil S. Turner Professor at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management, those concerns could be eased by some simple changes in the way the schedules are done for the staff at that facility.

    Full story: Work Patch: Improved scheduling could improve life in nursing homes

  • working parent

    What Working Parents Need from Their Managers

    Even during a pandemic, managers are expected to lead their teams and drive business results. But there’s a dilemma: They must acknowledge that Covid-19 is putting an enormous strain on people, especially working parents, while also holding them accountable for getting their work done. This means employing two strategies that, on the surface, might seem to conflict: predictability and flexibility. Specifically, they should build routines into the workday without unduly burdening parents, while at the same time experimenting with new ways of working and communicating so that everyone’s needs are accommodated fairly.

    Full story: What Working Parents Need from Their Managers

Phone: (765) 496-2735
Office: KRAN 413

Area(s) of Expertise

Data Analytics, Human Resource Management, Industrial Organization, Leadership, Organizational Change, Organizational Culture, Performance Management, Work/Family Balance