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Qiang Liu

Qiang Liu

Associate Professor of Management



Ph.D. and M.S., Marketing, Cornell University, 2008
M.A., Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, 2003
M.A., Public Administration, Peking University, 2001
B.S, Information Management, Econ Double Major, Peking University, 1998


Qiang Liu is an associate professor of management at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, where he teaches digital & social media marketing and marketing management. His research interests include discrete choice models, dynamic structural models, pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, sharing economy, and digital & social media marketing. His research has been published in leading journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science, and Journal of Marketing Research . He holds a BS in information management from Peking University, a MA in statistics from University of California at Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in Management from Cornell University.

Journal Articles

  • Zhou, C., Gill, M., Liu, Q. (2022). "Empowering Education with Crowdfunding: Empirical Evidence from California Public Schools." Journal of Marketing Research vol. 59 (1), 97–117. | Related Website |
  • Liu, Q., Liu, X., Balachander, S. (2021). "Crowdfunding Project Design: Product Menu and Funding Target." Production and Operations Management vol. 30 (10), 3800-3811. | Related Website |
  • Liu, Q., Liu, H. & Kalwani, M. (2020). "“See Your Doctor”: The Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising on Patients with Different Affliction Levels." Marketing Letters vol. 31 (1), 37-48. | Related Website |
  • Ching, A., Hermosilla, M., Liu, Q. (2019). "Structural Models of the Prescription Drug Market." Foundations and Trends in Marketing vol. 13 (1), 1-76. | Related Website |
  • Pareek, B., Liu, Q., Ghosh, P. (2019). "Ask Your Doctor if This Product is Right for You: A Bayesian Joint Model for Patient Drug Requests and Physician Prescriptions." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A vol. 182 (1), 197-223. | Related Website |
  • Liu, H., Liu, Q., Chintagunta, P. (2017). "Promotion Spillovers: Drug Detailing in Combination Therapy." Marketing Science vol. 36 (3), 382-401. | Related Website |
  • Liu, Q., Gupta, S., Venkataraman, S., Liu, H. (2016). "An Empirical Model of Drug Detailing: Dynamic Competition and Policy Implications." Management Science vol. 62 (8), 2321 - 2340. | Related Website |
  • Liu, Q., Steenburgh, T. J., Gupta, S. (2015). "The Cross Attributes Flexible Substitution Logit: Uncovering Category Expansion and Share Impacts of Marketing Instruments." Marketing Science vol. 34 (1), 144-159. | Related Website |
  • Liu, Q. & Gupta, S. (2012). "A Micro-level Diffusion Model for New Drug Adoption." Joural of Product Innovation Management vol. 29 (3), 372 - 384. | Related Website |
  • Liu, Q. & Gupta, S. (2011). "Understanding the Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising on Patients' Behavior and the Public Policy Implication." International Journal of Research in Marketing vol. 28 (3), 205-217. | Related Website |

Book Chapters

  • Liu, Q. & Gupta, S. (2014). "Direct-to-Consumer Advertising (DTCA) of Pharmaceuticals: An Integrative Review." Springer New York. 629-649.

Other Publications

  • Samel, Karan (Student Author), Wang, X. and Liu, Q. (Mentor) (2017). "Predicting Advertisement Clicks Using Deep Networks: Interpreting Deep Learning Models." The Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research vol. 7 | Related Website |

Working Papers

  • Liu, Q., Lei, M., Zhu, T. (2021). "The Impact of Expanding Public Health Insurance on Market-based Insurance Premiums: Roles of Risk Pool Composition and Size."
  • Yan, L., Zhu, T., Liu, Q. (2021). "Donors, Buyers, and Information Disclosure in Crowdfunding Markets: A Case of Platform Split-up."
  • Liu, Q., Chu, Y., Yoon, H., Liu, H. (2020). "Comparative Marketing Communication: The Case of Drug Detailing." | Related Website |
  • Cai, Y., Liu, Q., Shi, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, F. (2020). "Rare Disease Detection and Physician Targeting: A Factor Graph Machine Learning Approach." | Related Website |
  • Shin, S., Nelson, P., Liu, Q., Shin, S. (2016). "Benefit Segmentation of Physicians."

Office: RAWL 4039

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