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Yanjun Li

Yanjun Li

Lewis B. Cullman Professor of Management
Director of Management Doctoral Programs
Quantitative Methods


Ph.D., Operations Research, Carnegie Mellon University
B.S., Applied Mathematics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics


My teaching interests are management science, operations research, statistics, optimization models and algorithms, and spreadsheet modeling and simulation. My research interests are in combinatorial optimization, integer programming, polyhedral theory, and polynomial-time algorithms. My current research focus is on Chvatal inequalities, Chvatal rank, and polynomial solvability of integer programming problems. I received the Jay N. Ross Young Faculty Scholar Award (2005), John and Mary Willis Young Faculty Award (2008) and Krannert Faculty Fellow (2008) at Krannert School of Management. I was selected as University Faculty Scholar (2014-2019) at Purdue. I am a member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

Journal Articles

  • Li, Y. & Szabo, J. (2020). "An Edmonds-Gallai-Type Decomposition for the j-Restricted k-Matching Problem." Electronic Journal of Combinatorics vol. 27
  • Cornuejols, G., Lee, D., & Li, Y. (2020). "On the Rational Polytopes with Chvatal Rank 1." Mathematical Programming A vol. 179
  • Cornuejols, G. & Li, Y. (2018). "When the Gomory-Chvatal Closure Coincides with the Integer Hull." Operations Research Letters vol. 46
  • Li, Y. (2014). "The Nonnegative Node Weight j-Restricted k-Matching Problems." Mathematics of Operations Research vol. 39
  • Hartvigsen, D. & Li, Y. (2013). "Polyhedron of Triangle-Free Simple 2-Matchings in Subcubic Graphs." Mathematical Programming A vol. 138
  • Hartvigsen, D. & Li, Y. (2011). "Maximum Cardinality Simple 2-Matchings in Subcubic Graphs." SIAM Journal on Optimization vol. 21
  • Li, Y. & Tawarmalani, M. (2011). "Multi-Period Maintenance Scheduling of Tree Networks with Minimum Flow Disruption." Naval Research Logistics vol. 58
  • Dey, S., Li, Y., Miller, L., & Richard, J.-P. (2010). "On the Extreme Inequalities of Infinite Group Problems." Mathematical Programming A vol. 121
  • Li, Y., Miller, L., & Richard, J.-P. (2009). "Valid Inequalities for MIPs and Group Polyhedra from Approximate Liftings." Mathematical Programming A vol. 118
  • Hartvigsen, D. & Li, Y. (2008). "Polyhedral Results for 1-Restricted Simple 2-Matchings." SIAM Journal on Optimization vol. 19
  • Li, Y. & Richard, J.-P. (2008). "Cook, Kannan and Schrijver's Example Revisited." Discrete Optimization vol. 5
  • Li, Y., Miller, L., & Richard, J.-P. (2008). "New Inequalities for Finite and Infinite Group Problems from Approximate Lifting." Naval Research Logistics vol. 55
  • Bollapragada, R., Li, Y., & Rao, U. (2006). "Budget-Constrained, Capacitated Hub Location to Maximize Expected Demand Coverage in Fixed-Wireless Telecommunication Networks." INFORMS Journal on Computing vol. 18
  • Cornuejols, G., Karamanov, M., & Li, Y. (2006). "Early Estimates of the Size of Branch-and-Bound Trees." INFORMS Journal on Computing vol. 18
  • Andersen, K., Cornuejols, G., & Li, Y. (2005). "Split Closure and Intersection Cuts." Mathematical Programming A vol. 102
  • Andersen, K., Cornuejols, G., & Li, Y. (2005). "Reduce-and-Split Cuts: Improving the Performance of Mixed-Integer Gomory Cuts." Management Science vol. 51
  • Konemann, J., Li, Y., Parekh, O., & Sinha, A. (2004). "An Approximation Algorithm for the Edge-Dilation K-Center Problem." Operations Research Letters vol. 32
  • Cornuejols, G., Li, Y., & Vandenbussche, D. (2003). "K-Cuts: A Variation of Gomory Mixed Integer Cuts from the LP Tableau." INFORMS Journal on Computing vol. 15
  • Cornuejols, G. & Li, Y. (2002). "On the Rank of Mixed 0,1 Polyhedra." Mathematical Programming A vol. 91
  • Cornuejols, G. & Li, Y. (2002). "A Connection Between Cutting Plane Theory and the Geometry of Numbers." Mathematical Programming A vol. 93
  • Cornuejols, G. & Li, Y. (2001). "Elementary Closures for Integer Programs." Operations Research Letters vol. 28
  • Cai, M., Li, Y., & Yang, X. (2000). "Inverse Problems of Submodular Functions on Digraphs." Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications vol. 104
  • Cai, M., Li, Y., & Yang, X. (1999). "Inverse Polymatroidal Flow Problems." Journal of Combinatorial Optimization vol. 3
  • Cai, M., Kano, M., & Li, Y. (1999). "[k, k + 1]-Factor Containing Given Hamiltonian Cycle." Electronic Journal of Combinatorics vol. 6
  • Cai, M. & Li, Y. (1998). "A Degree Condition for a Graph to Have [a, b]-Factors." Journal of Graph Theory vol. 27
  • Li, Y., Shi, M., & Tian, F. (1998). "Tree Decompositions for a Certain Class of Graphs." Discrete Mathematics vol. 189
  • Cai, M. & Li, Y. (1997). "Inverse Matroid Intersection Problem." Mathematical Methods of Operations Research vol. 45
  • Cai, M. & Li, Y. (1996). "A Degree Condition for the Existence of Connected Factors." Australasian Journal of Combinatorics vol. 14

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Office: KCTR 208