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Wooyong Jo

Wooyong Jo

Assistant Professor of Management


Ph.D., Business (Marketing-Quant), Emory University, 2022
M.S. Business (Marketing-Quant), Yonsei University, 2017
B.A. Applied Statistics, Yonsei University, 2015
B.A. Business, Yonsei University, 2015

Hi there! Welcome to my webpage. I'm Wooyong Jo [pronounced: Woo-yong Jo], an empirical researcher with a passion for modeling consumer behaviors in video games, social media, and various online digital platforms. Basically, I get to call playing video games “research”—and yes, it’s as fun as it sounds! My research has been published in leading marketing journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Production and Operations Management, and International Journal of Research in Marketing.

For a complete list of my research work, please visit my website, where the list is periodically updated.

Phone: (765) 496-1941
Office: KRAN 423

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Area(s) of Expertise

Advertising, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Analytics, Digital Economy, Entertainment, Information Technology, Marketing, Quantitative Analysis