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Bettina Klose

Bettina Klose

Senior Lecturer


Ph.D. Economics, Purdue University (2010)
B.Sc. Mathematics and Economics, Bielefeld University (2006)


Dr. Bettina Klose holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Purdue University (2010) and B.Sc.(Honors) in Mathematics and Economics from Bielefeld University, Germany (2006). Before joining Purdue's faculty in 2018, she was a Chancellor's Fellow and Lecturer in Economics at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, and prior to that a Post-Doc at the University of Zurich (UZH) in Switzerland.


Bettina's research and teaching interests include the areas of Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Market Design, Microeconomic Theory, and Political Economy. Her research has focused on models of conflict.


Bettina currently teaches courses in Game Theory and Microeconomics.

Journal Articles

  • Klose, B. & Schweinzer, P. (2021). "Auctioning Risk: The All-Pay Auction under Mean-Variance Preferences." Economic Theory | Related Website | Download |
  • Klose, B. & Kovenock, D. (2015). "Extremism Drives Out Moderation." Social Choice and Welfare vol. 44 (4), 861-887. | Related Website |
  • Klose, B. & Kovenock, D. (2015). "The All-Pay Auction with Complete Information and Identity-Dependent Externalities." Economic Theory vol. 59 (1), 1-19. | Related Website |
  • ECON 340 (Spring, Fall)
  • ECON 451 (Spring, Fall)
  • ECON 511 (Fall, Spring)

Phone: (765) 494-3714
Office: KRAN 471

Area(s) of Expertise

Auctions, Behavioral Economics, Consumer Behavior, Economics, Economics Education, Energy, Environment, Ethics, Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Microeconomics, Organizational Economics, Pricing, Real Estate, Sustainability