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Brad Alge

Brad Alge

Associate Professor of Management
Organizational Behavior/Human Resources


Ph.D., Organizational Behavior and HRM, Ohio State
M.B.A., Management, Kent State University, 1993
B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1989


Dr. Brad Alge holds the position of Associate Professor of Management in the area of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at The Mitch Daniels School of Business where he has served since 1999. He also services as Academic Director of the Larsen Leaders Academy.  An award winning scholar and teacher, Dr. Alge teaches courses in organizational behavior and leadership at Purdue. His research focuses on leadership, organizational control, creative performance, social networking, and virtual/distance work. He has served on the editorial boards at the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Dr. Alge has over 20 years of experience helping companies to improve their business processes, organizational culture, and human capital.

Prior to academia, Dr. Alge was a consultant for Accenture. Dr. Alge is a proud member of the 1988 NCAA Division I National Champion Football Team at Notre Dame. Dr. Alge received his BBA from the University of Notre Dame, his MBA from Kent State University, and his PhD from The Ohio State University.

His research focuses on:

  • Virtual Work; Technology's impact on individual and group attitudes and behaviors on the job
  • Employer/employee rights (e.g., privacy, justice, ethics & corporate social responsibility)
  • Leadership--particularly in the contexts of distance leadership and organizational control
  • Organizational versus employee control
  • Social Networks
  • Creative Performance

Dr. Alge currently teaches in the full-time MBA, Weekend MBA, Executive MBA, and executive non-degree programs at Purdue's Krannert School of Management with a focus on:

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Leadership
  • Change Management

Dr. Alge has provided his expertise and consultation to numerous organizations including:

  • US Department of Defense
  • US Department of Health and Human Services
  • US Department of the Interior
  • Whirlpool
  • Alcoa
  • British Petroleum
  • ArcelorMittal
  • Pfizer
  • Evonik (Eli Lilly)
  • Metropolitan Police Departments
  • City Public Transportation Departments
  • Panduit
  • Victoria's Secret Catalogue/Limited Corp.
  • Valspar
  • Saint-Gobain Container (Ardaugh)
  • INDOT (Indiana Department of Transportation)
  • Numerous mid-size and small businesses

Journal Articles

  • Ravid, D. M., Pitcher, B. D., Alge, B. J., & Behrend, T. S. (2022). "Body-worn camera technologies can promote positive policing." Industrial and Organizational Psychology vol. 15 612-616. | Related Website | Download |
  • Bruning, P. F., Alge, B. J., & Jackson, C. L. (2021). "Explaining the relational mechanisms and outcomes of multi-modal leader–member-exchange differentiation." Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciencese 5-20. | Download |
  • Bruning, Pl., Alge, B. J., Lin. H. (2020). "Social networks and social media: Understanding and managing vulnerability to social influence in a connected society." Business Horizons vol. 63 749-761. | Related Website | Download |
  • Bruning, P. F., Alge, B. J., & Lin, H. (2018). "The embedding forces of network commitment: An examination of the psychological processes linking advice centrality and susceptibility to social influence." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes vol. 148 (September), 54-69. | Download |
  • Hansen, S., Dunford, B., Alge, B., Jackson, C (2015). "Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical Leadership, and Trust Propensity: A Multi-Experience Model of Perceived Ethical Climate." Journal of Business Ethics | Download |
  • Hansen, S. D., Alge, B. J., Brown, M. E., Jackson, C. L., Dunford, B. B. (2013). "Ethical leadership: Assessing the value of a multifoci social exchange perspective." Journal of Business Ethics vol. 115 | Download |
  • Lehman, D., Hahn, J. P., Ramanujam, R., & Alge, B. J. (2011). "Performance periods and the dynamics of the performance-risk relationship." Organization Science vol. 22 1613-1630. | Download |
  • Tangirala, S., & Alge, B. (2006). "Reactions to Unfair Events In Computer-Mediated Groups: A Test of Uncertainty Management Theory." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | Download |
  • Alge, B., Ballinger, G., Tangirala, S., & Oakley, J. (2006). "Information Privacy in Organizations: Empowering Creative and Extra-role Performance." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 91 221-232. | Download |
  • Alge, B., Ballinger, G., & Green, S. (2004). "Remote Control: Predictors of Electronic Monitoring Intensity and Secrecy." Personnel Psychology vol. 57 (2), 377-410. | Download |
  • Alge, B., Wiethoff, C., & Klein, H. (2003). "When Does the Medium Matter? Knowledge-Building Experiences and Opportunities in Decision Teams." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Academic Press. vol. 91 (1), 26-37. | Download |
  • Alge, B., Gresham, M., Heneman, R., Fox, J., & McMasters, R. (2002). "Measuring Customer Service Orientation Using a Measure of Interpersonal Skills." Journal of Business and Psychology vol. 16 (3), 467-476.
  • Alge, B. (2001). "Effects of Computer Surveillance on Perceptions of Privacy and Procedural Justice." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 86 (4), 797-804. | Download |
  • Klein, H., Wesson, M., Hollenebeck, J., & Alge, B. (1999). "Goal Commitment and the Goal Setting Process: Conceptual Clarification and Empirical Synthesis." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 84 885-896.
  • Alge, B. (1997). "Review of D. Ulrich's, Human Resource Champions." Human Resource Development Quarterly vol. 84 186-190.

Conference Proceedings

  • Alge, B. J., & Anthony, E. L. (2010). "The effects of interpersonal justice when big brother is watching." Academy of Management, Best Paper Proceedings.
  • Alge, B. J., Ballinger, G. A., Green, S. G., & Till, G. (2002). "The Effects of Dependence and Trust on The Decision to Electronically Monitor Subordinates." Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. | Download |


  • Multiple contributors (2012). "A researcher guidebook: A guide for successful institutional-industrial collaborations." Georgia Tech Research Corporation Atlanta, GA. | Download |

Book Chapters

  • Alge, B. J., & Hansen, S. D. (2014). "Workplace monitoring and surveillance research since '1984': A review and agenda." In M. D. Coovert and L. F. Thompson (Eds.), Frontiers of industrial/organizational psychology: The psychology of workplace technology. New York, NY: Routledge/Psychology Press.
  • Alge, B. J., Anthony, E. L., Rees, J., & Kannan, K. (2010). "Controlling A, while hoping for B: Deviance deterrence and public versus private deviance." Information Age Publishing
  • Alge, B. J., & Upright, K. B. (2009). "HRIS needs analysis." Sage Publications 79-98.
  • Alge, B. J., & Hansen, S. D. (2008). "Information privacy in organizations." Sage Publications
  • Alge, B. J. , Greenberg, J., & Brinsfield, C. (2006). "An Identity-based Model of Organizational Monitoring: Integrating Information Privacy and Organizational Justice." Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management vol. 25 71-135. | Download |
  • Greenberg, J., & Alge, B. (1998). "Aggressive Reactions to Workplace Injustice." JAI Press Stamford, CT. vol. 1 83-17. | Related Website | Download |
  • Social Media Influencers

    Group Think: Trump social media summit shows power of social networks

    President Donald Trump’s recent social media summit at the White House featured a who’s-who of conservative influencers. The meeting came as many Americans begin to sound alarms about the subversive potential of social media to censor or sway voters during the 2020 general election. Brad Alge, an associate professor in the Purdue University Krannert School of Management, examines how organizations can leverage this power to influence and institute change among groups of people.

    Full story: Group Think: Trump social media summit shows power of social networks

  • How are people influenced by their informal ties

    Research by Brad Alge and colleagues

  • Students explore leadership in experiential study abroad course

    While some college students headed to the beach for spring break, a group of 15 undergraduates from Purdue University’s Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business traveled to Ireland for the “Belfast Titanic Experience,” a two-credit, immersion-learning course focused on leadership, decision-making, change management, and story crafting.

    Full story: Students explore leadership in experiential study abroad course

  • Purdue Expert: Remote Work
    Brad Alge is an associate professor of management in the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business at Purdue University. In this video, he explains the increase in remote work in recent years and how receptivity to the concept of working from home has grown.

Salgo Noren Award for Most Outstanding Teacher

Award for best teacher in Masters program

Office: RAWL 4017

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