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Aldas Kriauciunas

Aldas Kriauciunas

Strategic Management Instructor


Ph.D., Corporate Strategy and International Business, University of Michigan
MBA, University of Michigan
M.S., University of Michigan
B.S., University of Michigan

Aldas Kriauciunas is a lecturer with the business school's executive education programs. He was previously an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management and the executive director of executive education programs. He obtained his PhD in Corporate Strategy and International Business from the University of Michigan Business School.

His core strategy research question of interest is understanding factors that impede or assist firm-level change. To answer this question, Professor Kriauciunas has drawn from the economic institutions, imprinting, and knowledge-based view of the firm. His particular focus is on firms in transitional and emerging economies, given the fast pace of environmental shifts and the need for firms to respond quickly. He favors using survey-based data and has collected data across Central Europe (e.g., Lithuania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus) and in South America (Chile).

Professor Kriauciunas is a member of the Strategic Management Society, Academy of Management, and Academy of International Business. He has served as a reviewer for the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, and Organization Science. At Krannert, Professor Kriauciunas has taught eight courses covering international strategy and strategic management at the undergraduate, Master's and PhD levels. He has also taught in Krannert's Executive Education programs.

He prefers to organize the classroom like a meeting rather than a lecture. In the classroom, he emphasizes the application of strategy and international business concepts and techniques. The focus on concepts is complemented by improving students' communication and analysis skills.  This approach is used to develop skills that students can use to answer questions and solve problems when they enter the business world. Professor Kriauciunas has been runner-up for the Krannert Salgo Noren Teaching award for three years (2007-2010).  

Prior to his doctoral studies, Professor Kriauciunas worked for six years in the U.S. Embassy in Lithuania as head of the Economic Restructuring Division in the USAID program. In this capacity, he oversaw projects related to banking development and supervision, capital markets, business development and privatization.

Working Papers

  • Kriauciunas A, Shinkle G. "Determinants of Export Growth in Transition Economy."
  • Kriauciunas A, Shinkle G. "Organizational Imprinting: Informing Firm Behavior in Domestic and Interantional Contexts."