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Plan and Prepare

When you are prepared to communicate who you are and your career goal, the career services office will assist you in creating a job search plan that aligns to your goal. 

This job search plan will help you organize, prioritize and monitor your efforts. A job search can take as much time and energy as a job! So, let's make sure you have a solid plan in place, one that targets companies you've identified as matching your interests, values and strengths. 

It may seem too early in your journey to identify companies, but we advise that you create your job search plan with an end result in mind.

Remember: Plans change. And they rarely proceed in a straight line. Our career coaches are here to support you in both the creation and the revision of your job search plan. 

Develop your job search plan

A comprehensive job search plan contains:

  • a defined end result (where you will be going and what you will be doing) 
  • creation of a strategy to get you there
  • measurement and evaluation of results when you get there

Use as a resource our Job Search Plan worksheet.

Schedule time with us to polish your job search plan.

schedule a meeting

download Job search plan pdf


“I've participated in the Facebook Creator Economy Practicum, which I discovered through an information session led by the professional development center. And this summer, I will intern at Eli Lilly. I landed this internship through the School of Management Employers Forum (SMEF) career fair.”

Katarina Nikolovski, Marketing '23

To prepare  = to be ready

Keep developing your skills! This, of course, never ends. Stay engaged with CareerBound to keep building the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) career readiness competencies employers are looking for in their interns and new hires.

With your GPA being only one measurement of your skills and knowledge -- and not a particularly impactful one -- your career development is at least as important as your grades. Put as much thought and effort into your professional development as you do your coursework!

Only 46.3%
of employers use GPA
to screen candidates
(NACE Job Outlook 2022)

Don't FOrget the Small Companies

Most students concentrate their job search on Fortune 500 corporations or other large, well-known companies, but don’t count out the small companies just yet. A small company is any business with 200 or fewer employees.

Some traits of working at a small company include:

  • You are given more responsibility and chances for involvement
  • You may have less job security
  • Successes and faults are more visible
  • You must be able to work with everyone in the organization

When considering where to apply, think about whether this type of organization could be right for you.

Working For a Nonprofit

Are you looking for more from your future career than just a steady income? Do you find the traditional employment track unappealing? Do you want the chance to make a real impact in your community or even the world? Then a career in the nonprofit sector may be the answer.

Working in a nonprofit can be both challenging and fulfilling. Although you may not have to worry about meeting sales goals, you may face more limited resources. Employees in nonprofits can often experience quicker career advancement, but they may not make as much money as those in a for-profit business. If you’re interested in working in a nonprofit, talk to others in the field and consider scheduling an appointment with directors of various nonprofits.

Sell yourself to employers

With your plan developed, you can prepare to communicate your brand through your resume, your LinkedIn profile, and your participation in career fairs. Your story comes to life only when all the pieces are working in concert.

Meet with center coaches and peer consultants to polish these items. Our coaches and advisors-in-residence know what employers are looking for and can give you that insider knowledge to stand out among the crowd. 

Create your VMock account and upload a draft of your resume as a pdf. VMock uses artificial intelligence to grade your resume’s effectiveness and provide detailed feedback.

Prepare for upcoming career fairs. Market your personal brand and find future employers by talking to company representatives on campus.

Make your resume standout with these power verbs and functional skill suggestions.

Increase your job prospects with these cover letter tips.

Career Progression

Preparing for your future career is so much more than polishing your resume and memorizing interview tips. Our clear path to success takes you from an exploratory phase where you define your ultimate goal to a final step where you grow your career with intention. 

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