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Master of Business and Technology Curriculum

The Mitch Daniels School of Business’ Master of Business and Technology (MBT) program educates the next generation of leaders who are well-versed in both business and technology.

In the current era, technology is deeply intertwined with business operations. Decision-makers need to be adept at evaluating technological investments, understanding the implications of new technology trends, and predicting potential challenges and opportunities they might bring. Consequently, businesses require professionals and leaders who understand both business and technology to drive innovation and stay competitive.

Arvind Raman, Dean of Purdue's College of Engineering, says interdisciplinary programs can sometimes compromise on rigor — not so when it comes to the new MBT program, he says. Hear Raman, Daniels School Dean Jim Bullard, and MBT Academic Director Mohammad Rahman discuss the program's curriculum, which includes a thought-leader speaker series. 

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This 36-credit hour program leverages Purdue’s strengths in STEM in partnership with Purdue’s world-class College of Engineering and our vibrant ecosystem of technological ventures.

Our highly capable graduates will express both traditional business acumen and a deep understanding of technology, driven by developments like digital transformation trends, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI).

MBT Core Classes

Credits Course Title
3 Capstone
2 Accounting for Managers
2 Computational Business Intelligence

Computational Business Intelligence

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of business intelligence (BI) using computational methods. Students will explore a range of topics from the fundamentals of BI to advanced data manipulation and business applications of machine learning techniques. The course is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to gather, analyze, and visualize data to support strategic business decisions.

2 Digital Product Design
2 Economic Analysis of Technology Markets
2 Emerging Technologies and Business Models
2 DevOps and Technology Solutions
2 Marketing Management
2 Technology-Driven Business
2 Technology Governance and Regulations
2 Technology Strategy
1 Financial Management
1 Leadership
1 Negotiations In Organizations

Total Required Core Credits: 26

MBT vs. MBA – What's the Difference?

While an MBA trains business managers for competency across general management domains, the MBT has evolved in response to industries in which technology has an outsized impact on the functions of the organization's products and processes.

Both the MBT and the MBA ensure managers have exceptional accounting, marketing, financial management, communication, and leadership skills. The general MBA rounds out a manager's knowledge set with further human resource, business analytics, strategy, operations, economic principles, change management, supply chain and global strategy, providing a high-level competency for graduates. It serves non-technical managerial positions and industries.

In place of broad management courses common to the MBA, the MBT homes in on digital product design, computational business intelligence, technology-drive business, governance and regulations, tech strategies, DevOps and tech solutions, economic analysis of tech markets and emerging technologies and their business models.

See the curricular differences side-by-side to better understand why engineers and tech specialists across industries choose the MBT. Because of their passion for their field and technologies, technical specialists and engineers value the MBT over the MBA to take on leadership roles that are future forward, extending their expertise and building upon their field of knowledge.

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Students may take 10 credits in elective courses from a range of available courses. As such, students have the freedom to tailor their experience to a specific area of interest. Creating an area of focus, customization through electives would deepen a student’s knowledge in a given field. A student may, however, decide not to pursue a specific focus area, but rather blend elective courses.

Total Required Elective Credits: 10

AI Innovations

Choose up to 10 credits from the following:
Course Number Course Title
MGMT 59000 Advanced Database
MGMT 68700 AI for Business Decisions
MGMT 59000 Analytics & Al On The Cloud
MGMT 59000 Analyzing Unstructured Data
CS 57100 Artificial Intelligence
MGMT 58100 Big Data Technologies
MGMT 57100 Data Mining
CS 57300 Data Mining
ECE 59500 Introduction to Deep Learning
ECE 50024 Machine Learning
MGMT 59000 Machine Learning

Machine Learning

With the rise in big data, Machine Learning has experienced rapid growth over the last ten years with major advances in its subfields of Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, and other subfields. The purpose of this course is to provide the students with a systematic introduction to the recent developments in machine learning through the coverage of modern machine learning concepts and practical business applications, as well as hands-on experience with modern machine learning frameworks. The course plans to cover neural nets, convolutional neural networks, recurrent networks, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, and the trustworthy AI framework with the properties of safety, robustness, privacy, and fairness.

MGMT 58200 Management of Organizational Data
MGMT 57300 Optimization Modeling with Spreadsheets
CS 59000 Reinforcement Learning
ECON 59000 Statistical & Machine Learning
CS 57800 Statistical Machine Learning
MGMT 59000 Visual Analytics

Visual Analytics

This course equips students with the creative and technical proficiency needed to convert data into insightful visual reports, fostering mutual comprehension. Students will harness software tools to intake, structure, and illustrate data, prioritizing design principles to craft concise and aesthetically pleasing graphs and dashboards. They will delve into both exploratory and explanatory data visualization methods for effective data narration. Collaborative team projects will further hone their skills and facilitate peer learning. Authentic, real-world data sets will form the basis for our classroom activities and group assignments.

Computational Finance

Choose up to 10 credits from the following:
Course Number Course Title
MGMT 59000 Analyzing Unstructured Data
ECON 57300 Financial Econometrics
MGMT 64700 Financial Engineering
MGMT 69000 Fintech
MGMT 61150 Futures and Options
ECE 59500 Introduction to Deep Learning
ECE 50024 Machine Learning
MGMT 59000 Machine Learning

Machine Learning

With the rise in big data, Machine Learning has experienced rapid growth over the last ten years with major advances in its subfields of Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, and other subfields. The purpose of this course is to provide the students with a systematic introduction to the recent developments in machine learning through the coverage of modern machine learning concepts and practical business applications, as well as hands-on experience with modern machine learning frameworks. The course plans to cover neural nets, convolutional neural networks, recurrent networks, deep generative models, deep reinforcement learning, and the trustworthy AI framework with the properties of safety, robustness, privacy, and fairness.

ECON 57400 Microeconometrics
CS 51400 Numerical Analysis
MGMT 64200 Portfolio Management
ECON 59000 Quantitative Economics with Python
ECON 59000 Statistical & Machine Learning
CS 57800 Statistical Machine Learning

Robotics and Automation

Choose up to 10 credits from the following:
Course Number Course Title
ECE 57000 Artificial Intelligence
ECON 51000 Applied Game Theory
ME 59700 Autonomous Systems
CS 59200 HRI Human-Robot Interaction
IE 57700 Human Factors in Engineering
ME 59700 Industrial IoT Implementation for Smart Manufacturing
ECE 56900 Introduction to Robotic Systems
CE 59700 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicle Operations
MGMT 56000 Manufacturing Planning and Control
MGMT 56200 Project Management

Technology Commercialization

Choose up to 10 credits from the following:
Course Number Course Title
MGMT 65500 Competitive Strategy
ECON 59000 Economics of Innovation and Technology
MGMT 69000 ELI Corporate Consulting
MGMT 65200 Entrepreneurship
MGMT 59000 Financing New Ventures
MGMT 63800 Pricing Strategy & Analysis
MGMT 64400 Venture Capital and Investment Banking

* Students may take other related business courses that do not correspond to or have significant overlap with required courses already taken.

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