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Located at one of the top STEM-focused universities in the country, the Finance area at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business is powered by a team of faculty at the top of their field, with abundant experience in industry and academia alike. Their combined expertise covers many financial areas, including corporate financial management, investment management, security analysis, mergers & acquisitions, financial risk management, international financial management, and others.

Upcoming Events

Centers and Initiatives

The Finance area offers many opportunities for students to pursue learning outside of the classroom, including research challenges, financial firm visits, and national conferences.


Our Finance faculty consistently contribute to top research journals including the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Review of Financial Studies, and more.

Journal Articles

  • Emery, L., & M. Faccio (2024). "Exposing the revolving door in executive branch agencies." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis vol. forthcoming | Related Website |
  • Dejanir Silva, Nicolas Caramp (2023). "Fiscal policy and the monetary transmission mechanism." Review of Economic Dynamics vol. 51 716-746. | Related Website |
  • Dejanir Silva (2023). "Optimal Fiscal Consolidation Under Frictional Financial Markets." The Economic Journal vol. 133 (652), 1537–1585. | Related Website |

Forthcoming Publications

  • Dejanir Silva, Victor Duarte, Diogo Duarte (2024). "Machine Learning for Continuous-Time Finance." Review of Financial Studies
  • Amit Goyal, Sunil Wahal, M. Deniz Yavuz (2023). "Choosing Investment Managers." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Related Website |
  • Robert Marquez, Than Nguyen, M. Deniz Yavuz (2023). "Financing Innovative Activity and the Endogeneity of Patenting." Management Science | Related Website |

Job Market Candidates

Daniels School of Business PhD students are leading members of the next generation of innovative researchers, scholars and teachers. We are proud to support the next phase of their academic and professional lives.

To obtain additional information on job market candidates, please reach out to the Finance area contact below, or contact candidates directly.

PhD Academic Director
Adem Atmaz
(746) 494-6725

Daniels School of Business Finance Area, Management Department

Krannert Building
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076
(765) 494-8503

Department Head in Management: Lin Nan

Finance Area Coordinator: Huseyin Gulen

Finance Faculty Assistant: Janet Yoakum