Research is the cornerstone of doctoral study. PhD candidates at Purdue’s Mitch Daniels School of Business are not only exploring their respective areas of interest, but also diving deep into industry challenges to provide thoughtful, innovative solutions. Through empirical research and subject matter mentorship, our PhD graduates are poised to engage in the highest-level of discourse and provide meaningful contributions to their communities.
In 2021-2022, economics faculty had peer-reviewed research papers accepted at top journals including:
Highlights include:
Timothy Bond, Jillian Carr, Analisa Packham and Jonathan Smith (2021), “Hungry for success? SNAP timing, high-stakes exam performance, and college attendance,” American Economic Journal: Policy.
Timothy Cason, Lata Gangadharan and Philip Grossman (2022), "Gender, Beliefs and Coordination with Externalities," Journal of Public Economics (forthcoming).
Joshua Chan and Xuewen Yu (2022), "Fast and Accurate Variational Inference for Large Bayesian VARs with Stochastic Volatility," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Mohitosh Kejriwal, Pierre Perron and Xuewen Yu (2021), "A Two-Step Procedure for Testing Partial Parameter Stability in Cointegrated Regression Models," Journal of Time Series Analysis.
Joe Mazur, Sophia Li, Yongjoon Park, James Roberts, Andrew Sweeting and Jun Zhang (2021), “Repositioning and Market Power After Airline Mergers,” The RAND Journal of Economics.
Victoria Prowse, David Gill and Eduardo Fe (2022), "Cognitive Skills, Strategic Sophistication, and Life Outcomes," Journal of Political Economy (forthcoming).
There are numerous centers and initiatives in our school and around campus that enhance the PhD student experience and address issues and skills including entrepreneurship, commercialization, ethics, diversity and inclusion, and much more. Our Economics students also benefit from efforts more specific to their academic pursuits.
Students can attend monthly faculty research presentations, hosted by the Purdue University Research Center in Economics (PURCE) during the academic year, that focus on economic policy issues. PURCE also provides funding for PhD students being advised by an affiliate of the research center. This funding covers university tuition and fees as well as a teaching/research assistantship.
The Purdue Economics Association is a student organization that advances opportunities for Purdue students studying economics, including access to discussion and discourse on the field of economics and networking. Purdue Assistant Professor of Economics Colin Sullivan in the association's faculty advisor.
Our Economics Department hosts a seminar series that focuses on economic theory, applied economics, and macroeconomics/international topics. More than two dozen distinguished external speakers are featured each academic year, and internal seminars feature current Purdue faculty and graduate students presenting their latest research. During each semester after their first year in residence, PhD students actively participate in these seminars.
Our department hosts or co-hosts conferences, including the Midwest Applied Microeconomics Conference; Empirical Investigations in International Trade; the Midwest Economic Theory Conference; and the Midwest International Trade Conference.
Contact us for more information.