Below, find instructions for updating your profile in the business school directory.
On most pages of our website, you'll find a link in the footer to our intranet. The intranet is where you can log in and edit your profile.
1. Go to the intranet and click on the login link in the upper right corner of the page.
2. Log in using your Purdue account.
3. After you have logged in, click on your name to access your profile.
4. Use the edit button to update information such as your professional bio, degrees earned, link to your LinkedIn profile, etc.
5. Areas of expertise are updated by selecting from a predefined list of keywords.
6. Once finished editing the information on this screen click the save button to save your changes.
7. Use the navigation along the left side of the page to access and update additional information such as any awards you have earned, service, publications and more.
There are pieces of information in your profile which you do not have the ability to update such as your photo and job titles. Some of this information comes from university records and some requires specific formatting to work properly.
To update this information, send the information and/or a high-resolution photo as a web request to the school’s marketing and communications team.