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Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management

The Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management area at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business is composed of researchers on the cutting edge of workplace evolution. Our OBHR faculty are contributors and leaders in the study of organizational and individual performance, covering talent, human capital, AI and the future of work, technology and innovation and more.

Centers & Organizations


Daniels School OBHR faculty are leading scholars in a multitude of cutting edge topics, including: issues at the work-nonwork and work-family interface, recovery and leisure, well-being, emotions and emotional labor, leadership, trust, diversity and gender, meaningfulness at work, networks of workplace relationships, recruitment and job search processes, identity and stigma, and motivation. OBHR faculty research appears in top academic journals including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Organization Science, among other top management outlets.

Journal Articles

  • Kossek, E., Porter, C.*, Rosokha, L. *, Wilson, K., Rupp, D., Law-Penrose, J* (2024). "Advancing work–life supportive contexts for the “haves” and “have nots”: Integrating supervisor training with work–life flexibility to impact exhaustion or engagement." Human Resource Management | Related Website |
  • Chawla, N., Gabriel, A. S., Prengler, M. K., Rogers, K. M., Rogers, B. A., Tedder-King, A., & Rosen, C. C. (2024). "Allyship in the fifth trimester: A multi-method investigation of women’s postpartum return to work." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes vol. 182 1-19. | Related Website |
  • Ezerins, M. E., Simon, L. S., Vogus, T. J., Gabriel, A. S., Calderwood, C., & Rosen, C. C. (2024). "Autism and employment: A review of the ‘new frontier’ of diversity research." Journal of Management vol. 50 1102-1144. | Related Website |
  • Chawla, N., & Gabriel, A. S. (2024). "From crude jokes to diminutive terms: Exploring experiences of hostile and benevolent sexism during job search." Personnel Psychology (77), 747-787. | Related Website |
  • Rosen, C. C., Koopman, J., Gabriel, A. S., Lee, Y. E., Ezerins, M. E., & Roth, P. L. (2024). "Hidden consequences of political discourse at work: How and why ambient political conversations impact employee outcomes." Journal of Applied Psychology (109), 795-810. | Related Website |
  • Livingston, B. A., Gloor, J. L., Ward, A. K., Gabriel, A. S., Campbell, J. T., et al. (2024). "Many roads to success: Broadening our views of academic career paths and advice." Journal of Management vol. 50 1186-1197. | Related Website |
  • Ganster, M. L., Ezerins, M. E., Gabriel, A. S., Chawla, N., Rosen, C. C., MacGowan, R. L., & Slaughter, J. E. (2024). "Understanding coping at work during socio-environmental jolts: A person-centered investigation." Journal of Business and Psychology (39), 619-641. | Related Website |
  • Gabriel, A. S., Chawla, N., Rosen, C. C., Lee, Y. E., Koopman, J., & Wong, E. M. (2024). "Who speaks up when harassment is in the air? A within-person investigation of ambient harassment and voice behavior at work." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 109 39-60. | Related Website |
  • Gabriel, A. S., Allen, T. D., Devers, C. E., Eby, L. T., Gilson, L. L., Hebl, M., Kehoe, R. R., King, E. B., Ladge, J. J., Little, L. M., Ou, A. Y., Schleicher, D. J., Shockley, K. M., Klotz, A. C., & Rosen, C. C. (2023). "A call to action: Taking the untenable out of women professors’ pregnancy, postpartum, and caregiving demands." Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice vol. 16 (2), 187-210. | Related Website |
  • Soltis, S.M., Dineen, B.R., & Wolfson, M.A. (2023). "Contextualizing social networks: The role of person-organization fit in the network-job performance relationship." Human Resource Management vol. 62 445-460. | Download |
  • Kleshinski, C. E., Wilson, K. S., DeRue, D. S., & Conlon, D. E. (2023). "Does justice need to be in the eyes of both beholders? Examining face-to-face and virtual negotiators’ interactional justice congruence." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research vol. 16 100-131. | Download |
  • Wu, L. & Dineen, B.R. (2023). "Expanding branding: Effects of multiple brand types on organizational attractiveness." Chinese Management Studies vol. 17 1346-1367. | Download |
  • Kossek, E., Batz*, C., Wright*, B., Buzzanell, P., Sullivan, C., Moors, A., Maxy*, K., Kokini, K., Hirsch, A., Nikalje, A.*, (2023). "Implementing Diversity Training Targeting Faculty Micro-Aggressions and Inclusion: Practical Insights and Initial Findings." Journal of Applied Behavioral Science | Related Website |
  • Campion, M. A. & Campion, E. D. (2023). "Machine learning applications to personnel selection: Current illustrations, lessons learned, and future research." Personnel Psychology | Download |
  • Dineen, B.R., Yu, K.Y.T., & Stevenson-Street, J.M. (2023). "Recruitment in Personnel Psychology and beyond: Where we’ve been working, and where we might work next." Personnel Psychology vol. 76 617-650. | Download |
  • Ganster, M. L., Gabriel, A. S., Rosen, C. C., Simon, L. S., Butts, M. M., & Boswell, W. R. (2023). "Retreating or repairing? Examining the alternate linkages between daily partner-instigated incivility at home and helping at work." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 108 (5), 826-849. | Related Website |
  • Gabriel, A. S., Ladge, J. J., Little, L. M., MacGowan, R. L., & Stillwell, E. E. (2023). "Sensemaking through the storm: How postpartum depression shapes personal work-family narratives." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 108 (12), 1903-1923. | Related Website |
  • Campion, M. A. (2023). "Stories of Discovery in the Pursuit of Practce." SIOP 2023 Annual Conference
  • Gabriel, A. S., Diefendorff, J. M., & Grandey, A. A. (2023). "The acceleration of emotional labor research: Navigating the past and steering toward the future." Personnel Psychology vol. 76 (2), 511-545. | Related Website |
  • Schabram, K., Nielsen, J., & Thompson, J. (2023). "The dynamics of work orientations: An updated typology and agenda for the study of jobs, careers, and callings." Academy of Management Annals vol. 17 (2), 405-438.
  • Dennerlein, T.; Kirkman, B. L. (2023). "The forgotten side of empowering others: How lower social structural empowerment attenuates the effects of empowering leadership on employee psychological empowerment and performance." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 108 (11), 1856-1880. | Related Website |
  • Lanaj, K., Gabriel, A. S., & Jennings, R. E. (2023). "The importance of leader recovery for leader identity and behavior." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 108 (10), 1717-1736. | Related Website |
  • Pellerin, S., Ollier-Malaterre, A., Kossek, E. E., Afota, M., Cousineau, L., , Lavoie, C., Leon, E. , Beham, B. Morandin, G. Russo, M., Jaga, A., Ma, J., Lu, C., Parent-Rocheleau. X (2023). "The Right to Disconnect." Stanford Social Innovation Review 40-45. | Related Website |
  • Lee, Y. E., Simon, L. S., Koopman, J., Rosen, C. C., Gabriel A. S., & Yoon, S. (2023). "When, why, and for whom is receiving help actually helpful? Differential effects of received help based on recipient gender." Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 108 (5), 773–793. | Related Website |
  • Kossek, Ellen Ernst; Lautsch, Brenda A., Perrigino, Matthew A., Greenhaus, Jeff A. . Merriweather, Tarani A. (2023). "Work-Life Flexibility Policies: Moving From Traditional Views Toward Work-Life Intersectionality Considerations." Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Emerald Publishing. vol. 41 199–243. | Related Website | Download |
  • Kossek, Ellen Ernst, Perrigino, M., Lautsch, B. (2023). "Work-Life Flexibility Policies from a Boundary Control and Implementation Perspective: A Review and Research Framework." Journal of Management | Related Website |

Forthcoming Publications

  • Dutli, A., Gabriel, A. S., & Trougakos, J. P. (2024). "A revisionist history approach to the study of emotional labor: Have we forgotten display rules and service contexts?" Journal of Management Inquiry N/A.
  • Kaur, E., Barnes, C. M., Butts, M. M., & Gabriel, A. S. (2024). "Domain switch theory: A deeper understanding of transitions between work and nonwork domains in modern work life." Academy of Management Review N/A.
  • Kim, A., Gabriel, A. S., Kim, Y., Moon, J., & Rosen, C. C. (2023). "How does workplace gossip benefit gossip actors? The impact of workplace gossip on power and voluntary turnover." Group & Organization Management N/A. | Related Website |

PhD Students

Daniels School of Business PhD students are leading members of the next generation of innovative researchers, scholars and teachers. We are proud to support the next phase of their academic and professional lives.

To obtain additional information on job market candidates, please reach out to our doctoral programs office at (765) 494-9024, or contact candidates directly.

Daniels School of Business OBHR Area, Management Department
Krannert Building
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076

Department Head: Lin Nan

OBHR Area Coordinator: Jim Dworkin

Executive Assistant: Lori Wolf