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The Economics Department at the Daniels School of Business has a long tradition of excellence in research and teaching. Economics faculty members are leaders in their respective fields. Our department offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. We host a vibrant seminar series spanning the many varied areas of economics — students hear from and interact with Purdue faculty, numerous guests, including nationally and internationally recognized scholars, and PhD students.


Daniels School students can get outside-the-classroom experiences participating in real research and assisting with faculty research projects when they partner with the business school's econ centers.


The faculty in Purdue's Economics Department are leaders in their respective fields. Many of them have been recognized all over the world for their ground-breaking research and affiliations with world-renowned economics journals. Faculty research appears in American Economic Journals (Applied Economics, Economic Policy, and Macroeconomics), the American Economic Review, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Labor Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics, and many more. 

Journal Articles

  • Siebert, Ralph (2024). ""The Impact of Private Label Introduction on Assortment, Prices, and Profits of Retailers," with Meilin Ma, forthcoming Journal of Industrial Economics." Journal of Industrial Economics
  • Ozgur Kibris, Yusufcan Masatlioglu, Elchin Suleymanov (2024). "A Random Reference Model." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics vol. 16 (1), 155-209. | Related Website |
  • Bao, Y., Li, G., & Liu, X. (2024). "A Spatial Sample Selection Model." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics vol. 86 (4), 928-950. | Related Website |
  • Gill, D. & Rosokha, Y. (2024). "Beliefs, learning, and personality in the indefinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, accepted | Related Website |
  • Elchin Suleymanov (2024). "Branching-Independent Random Utility Model." Journal of Economic Theory vol. 220 105880. | Related Website |
  • Bao, Y. (2024). "Estimating Linear Dynamic Panels with Recentered Moments." Econometrics vol. 12 (1), | Related Website |
  • Bao, Y. (2024). "Estimating Spatial Autoregressions under Heteroskedasticity without Searching for Instruments." Regional Science and Urban Economics vol. 106 104011. | Related Website |
  • Gill, D. & Prowse, V. (2024). "The creativity premium: Exploring the link between childhood creativity and life outcomes." Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, accepted | Related Website |
  • Kejriwal, M. & Li, X. & Nguyen, L. & Totty, E. (2024). "The Efficacy of Ability Proxies for Estimating the Returns to Schooling: A Factor Model-Based Evaluation." Journal of Applied Econometrics
  • Siebert, Ralph (2023). ""Exploring the Incremental Merger Value from Multimarket and Technology Arguments", with Sebastian Linde," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 87
  • Zou, B., & Zhang, H. (2023). "A Marriage-Market Perspective on Risk-Taking and Career Choices: Theory and Evidence." European Economic Review vol. 152 | Related Website |
  • Ozgur Kibris, Yusufcan Masatlioglu, Elchin Suleymanov (2023). "A Theory of Reference Point Formation." Economic Theory vol. 75 137-166. | Related Website |
  • Bao, Y. & Zhou, X. (2023). "Heterogeneous Spatial Dynamic Panel Models with an Application to US Housing Data." Spatial Economic Analysis vol. 18 (2), 259-285. | Related Website |
  • Bond, T.N, Giuntella, O., & Lonsky, J. (2023). "Immigration and Work Schedules: Theory and Evidence." European Economic Review vol. 152
  • Bao, Y. & Yu, X. (2023). "Indirect Inference Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models." Journal of Econometrics vol. 235 (2), 1027-1053. | Related Website |
  • Bao, Y. (2023). "Indirect Inference Estimation of Higher-order Spatial Autoregressive Models." Econometric Reviews vol. 42 (3), 247-280. | Related Website |
  • Hong, S. (2023). "MPCs in an Emerging Economy: Evidence from Peru." Journal of International Economics vol. 140 | Related Website |
  • Kejriwal, M. & Nguyen, L. & Yu, X. (2023). "Multistep Forecast Averaging with Stochastic and Deterministic Trends." Econometrics
  • Hudja, S.G, Roberson, B., & Rosokha, Y. (2023). "Public Leaderboard Feedback in Sampling Competition: an Experimental Investigation." Review of Economics and Statistics | Related Website |
  • Matthew Kovach, Elchin Suleymanov (2023). "Reference Dependence and Random Attention." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization vol. 215 421-442. | Related Website |
  • Hedlund, A. D., Garriga, C., Wang, P., & Tang, Y. (2023). "Rural-Urban Migration, Structural Transformation, and Housing Markets in China." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics vol. 15 (2), 413-440.
  • Batistich, M.K., & Bond, T.N. (2023). "Stalled racial progress and Japanese trade in the 1970s and 1980s." Review of Economic Studies vol. 90 (6), 2792-2821. | Related Website |
  • Gill, D. & Prowse, V. (2023). "Strategic complexity and the value of thinking." Economic Journal | Related Website |
  • David Gill, Victoria Prowse (2023). "The Creativity Premium: Exploring the Link Between Childhood Creativity and Life Outcomes." Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, accepted
  • Peter Haan; Victoria Prowse (2023). "The Heterogeneous Effects of Social Assistance and Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from a Life-Cycle Model of Family Labor Supply and Savings." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, accepted
  • Siebert, Ralph (2023). "“Airbnb or Not Airbnb? That is the Question: How Airbnb Bans Disrupt Rental Markets”, with Michael J. Seiler and Liuming Yang (appeared in the news of Purdue University Research Center of Economics; appeared in the news of Purdue University; interviewed by Fortune)." Real Estate Economics.

Job Market Candidates

Daniels School of Business PhD students are leading members of the next generation of innovative researchers, scholars and teachers. We are proud to support the next phase of their academic and professional lives.

To obtain additional information on job market candidates, please reach out to the Economics Department contacts below, or contact the candidate directly.

Placement Officer
Tim Cason
(765) 494-1737

  • Jieqiong (Cicy) Jin
    Expected Completion Date: July 2024
    Fields: Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Public Economics, Applied Microeconomics
    Dissertation Title: Behavioral Spillover in Cooperation Games
    Thesis Committee: Tim Cason (Chair), Yaroslav Rosokha, Colin Sullivan
    CV | | (765) 409-9573 | website
  • Sunham Kim
    Expected Completion Date: May 2024
    Fields: Spatial, Trade, Macro, and Labor
    Dissertation Title: Human Capital Production in Spatial Economy: A Quantitative Assessment of the Decentralized U.S. Education System
    Thesis Committee: Chong Xiang (Chair), Mario Crucini, Anson Soderbery, Farid Farrokhi
    CV | | (765) 201-0345 | website
  • Xinxin Lyu
    Expected Completion Date: July 2024
    Fields: Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Public Economics, Computational Economics, Applied Microeconomics
    Dissertation Title: Pay for the privilege: Does a global club good opportunity ruin local public good provision?
    Thesis Committee: Tim Cason (Co-chair), Yaroslav Rosokha (Co-chair), David Gill, Brian Roberson
    CV | | (617) 373-0926 | website
  • Alex Marchal
    Expected Completion Date: July 2024
    Fields: Public Economics, Information Economics, Behavioral and Experimental Economics
    Dissertation Title: Trust and Incentives: The Demand for Information and Expertise Valuation
    Thesis Committee: Tim Cason (Chair), Yaroslav Rosokha, Colin Sullivan
    CV | | (307) 371-9511 | website
  • Frank (Chenzhong) Wu
    Expected Completion Date: May 2024
    Fields: Econometrics, Bayesian Econometrics
    Dissertation Title: Semiparametric Common Stochastic Volatility for Large Bayesian VARs
    Thesis Committee: Joshua Chan (Chair), Justin Tobias, Mohitosh Kejriwal, Xiao Wang (stats department)
    CV | | (612) 859-4099

Daniels School of Business Economics Department
Krannert Building, Room 416
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2076
(765) 496-1378

Department Head: Brian Roberson

Executive Assistant: Mary Schultz