Listed below are the year 2019 working papers of faculty and graduate students of the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. These papers give scholars the opportunity to make the results of new and continuing research available in a timely fashion. Many of the working papers are draft stages of articles which will eventually be published in reputable scholarly or professional journals.
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1315 Jinhak Kim, Mohit Tawarmalani, and Jean-Philippe P. Richard, Convexification of Permutation-Invariant Sets
1316 Mohitosh Kejriwal, Xiaoxiao Li, and Evan Totty, Multidimensional Skills and the Returns to Schooling: Evidence from an Interactive Fixed Effects Approach and a Linked Survey-Administrative Dataset
1317 Mohitosh Kejriwal and Haiqing Zhao, Revisiting the Democracy-Growth Nexus: New Evidence from a Dynamic Common Correlated E¤ects Approach
1318 Mohitosh Kejriwal and Xuewen Yu, Generalized Forecast Averaging in Autoregressions with a Near Unit Root
1319 Timothy N. Cason and Robertas Zubrickas, Donation-Based Crowdfunding with Refund Bonuses
1320 Timothy N. Cason, Sau-Him Paul Lau, and Vai-Lam Mui, Prior Interaction, Identity, and Cooperation in the Inter-Group Prisoner's Dilemma
1321 Timothy N. Cason, Tridib Sharma, and Radovan Vadovic, Correlated beliefs: Predicting outcomes in 2x2 games
1343 Julian Romero and Yaroslav Rosokha, A Model of Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
1344 Karthik Kannan, Vandith Pamuru, and Yaroslav Rosokha, Using Machine Learning for Modeling Human Behavior and Analyzing Friction in Generalized Second Price Auctions