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Success Coaches

When you enroll in an online master’s program at the Mitch Daniels School of Business, you will benefit from the services of our dedicated success coaches. They are specially trained mentors who are here to help guide you through your higher education journey.


Daniels School of Business online programs’ success coaches provide holistic support to the school’s online master’s and MBA students.

Some reasons a Daniels School online master’s student may reach out to a success coach include:

  • You got a promotion at work, and your workload has increased. You need to talk through your work-school-home-life balance.
  • You’re going back to school for your master’s more than a decade after finishing your undergraduate degree and are nervous about being a college student again.
  • You are unfamiliar with how online courses work.
  • You wish to know what resources, including professional development, disability, veterans and more, are available to you as a Purdue student. 
  • Your grades have slipped, and you want to create an individualized plan for success. 
  • You want to share some good news.

At their core, Daniels School success coaches are just that: coaches. These mentors know how to solve problems, find and communicate resources, and listen. They are not academic advisors — our academic advisors explain your road map to graduation, including the sequence of courses in your plan of study. However, all Daniels School staff work in concert to make sure you have a successful academic experience.

As a fully online master’s or MBA student, you may never set foot on Purdue University’s campus. Our success coaches can help you feel connected to all Purdue has to offer and to your fellow students and faculty. 

In addition to one-on-one chats, success coaches offer drop-in sessions, open hours, affinity groups, workshops, coffee chats and more, all designed to help you maximize your Purdue master’s degree.


Whether your obstacle is time management, planning for a big event or preparing for an upcoming interview, your coach can work with you and direct you to the tools you need to succeed. However, you don’t have to wait for an obstacle to arise to meet with a success coach. Include building working relationships with our success coaches in your success plan from the start! Your network is a crucial component in your career, and success coaches truly want to see you succeed. Include them in your network.

Your next giant leap awaits.