Listed below are the year 2013 working papers of faculty and graduate students of the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. These papers give scholars the opportunity to make the results of new and continuing research available in a timely fashion. Many of the working papers are draft stages of articles which will eventually be published in reputable scholarly or professional journals.
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1272 Matthew Hoelle, Zhigang Feng Indeterminacy And Asset Price Volatility In Stochastic Overlapping Generations Models
1273 Matthew Hoelle, M. Udara Peiris On The Efficiency Of Nominal GDP Targeting In A Large Open Economy
1274 Kevin J. Mumford, Katie Schultz The Effect of Underwater Mortgages on Unemployment
1275 Stephen Martin Refusal to Deal and Investment in Product Quality
1276 Karthik Kannan, M. Mohit Tawarmalani, Jianqing Wu Cardinality Bundles For Spence-Mirrlees Reservation Prices