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Frequently Asked Questions

If you register before September 20, it will cost $100 per team. From September 21 to October 4the registration fee is $150 per team.

Purdue has contracted a special rate of $129 (2 Queen Beds) for participants at the Hilton Garden Inn at 356 East State St. West Lafayette, IN 47907. The phone number is 765-743-2100.

Please use CODE: 90K

Yes, there will be both an undergraduate and graduate category. The undergraduate students will compete against other undergraduate students, and graduate students will compete against other graduate teams.
There is a tentative agenda on the 2024 portion of the website. The official agenda will be released by middle of October. When you come and check in for the competition you will be given a folder that will contain an agenda for the day of the case competition.
Teams can get advice and guidance from staff members regarding how to approach the case and how to present their solutions. Teams should not get solutions from advisors, school faculty, or any other non-team members during preparation of the case or on the day of competition. Teams are expected to produce original work that is solely attributable to the members of their team. They are welcome to use books, the internet, or any other non-human resource to gather resources for the case.
When you submit your solution to the case you will be emailing your final products to the case competition email, Therefore, you will not need to provide your own copy of the presentation. When you come in to present your solution, it will be pulled up and projected on a screen for you and the judges. Teams will then be given a clicker to click through your presentation. If you use any other program besides a slide deck for your presentation you will have access to the computer to show that as well.
Teams will have preparation rooms in which you can securely store backpack’s and any items you will not be using during the presentation. You do not need to bring anything to the competition besides your name tag that will be provided and any note cards that you may need for presenting.
On Wednesday night there will be a welcome event and social where teams can come and socialize before competition day. If teams are unable to check in then they will be able to come to a breakfast and check-in from 9:00-10:00 a.m. on the day of the competition.
For the competition we recommend that you dress business formal for your presentation. For the awards dinner we would like teams to dress more casually and show your school pride by wearing school gear.
Winners will be announced during the awards dinner after the competition on the same day.
You can continue to practice your presentation however no changes can be made to your slide deck after the official submission.
Each team will receive the case via email on Monday one week before the case competition. Teams will have one week to complete their slide deck and recommendations after which a submission will be required.
Case solutions should be presented using a PowerPoint presentation. You are more than welcome to use any other programs and/or software to accompany the PowerPoint presentation.
Examples will be sent out along with this year’s case on October 28. These examples will serve only as a frame of reference and should not be seen as a framework or template for team’s recommendations and presentation.
After awards are presented the judges' scorecards will be scanned and emailed back to the teams so that they can see their feedback.