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A key part of the Purdue Center for Economic Education's mission is to equip K-12 teachers with the information they need to effectively teach economic concepts. 

An exhaustive list of tips and tools is a tall order — but we have collected here resources we believe teachers will find helpful. 

The center and fellow economics faculty at Purdue's Daniels School of Business are here to assist teachers. Join PCEE's mailing list by filling in and submitting a short questionnaire,and don't hesitate to reach out to the center with questions. 

Economic Data Sites

What are the best economic data sources? Here are some of the most common data sources used by economists.

The World Bank maintains many large datasets across most countries, including the World Development Indicators (WDI) database and the Global Financial Development Database (GFDD). 

Trading Economics is a no-nonsense site known for its ease of use. Dropdown menus allow for quick access to economic data by country or indicator. Trading Economics aggregates data from official sources across almost 200 countries.

The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) produces economic accounts statistics that enable government and business decision-makers, researchers, and the American public to follow and understand the performance of the nation's economy.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis maintains numerous data series aggregated from data sources all over the world. It can be searched by date series, country, or any key word, and will provide data in graphical or tabular views. 

The United Nations Statistics Division maintains numerous databases, tables, and glossaries containing more than 60 million data points covering international economic, health, education, and development data.

The U.S. Census Bureau Economic Indicators site provides historical economic data mostly as part of its extensive surveys of consumers and businesses.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is the place to go for labor-related statistics such as wage and employment data. It is also the source for price data such as the inflation rate, the consumer price index (CPI), and a number of other price indices.

Lesson Plans and Curricula

PCEE is here to help K-12 teachers enhance their lesson plans and curricula. We can point to fellow organizations that also can aid in this endeavor, including:

The nonprofit Econiful's mission is to strengthen economic education at the secondary level so that all students are able to apply economic principles in their personal, professional, and civic lives. Econiful offers economic educators free professional development and high school lesson plans. Become a member and get everything you need to teach economics at the high school level.

The Indiana Council for Economic Education (ICEE), an affiliate of the national Council for Economic Education. Both organizations provide a wealth of research-based materials and programs that enrich the economic education experience of K-12 students. ICEE is an academic outreach center within Purdue's Department of Agricultural Economics.  

EconEdLink is a program of the Council for Economic Education that provides lesson plans, videos, assessments, activities, professional development webinars and more for K-12 educators. 

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis offers the Econ Lowdown, a resource site for teachers and students of economics and personal finance.